“We don’t have that much time.”

The house creaked once more, followed by breaking wood. I pulled back, both of us looking up. A crack started in the corner and slithered across the ceiling. I glanced around, noticing how many fractures had formed since the last time I’d been here. Spiderweb-like cracks ran down the walls and onto the floor.

“What’s happening?”

“You’ve suppressed too long, D.”


A thump sounded from the hall. Gabby let me go and walked away, disappearing around the corner. The sound came again, and I chased after her.




I skidded to a stop, dim light spilling from beneath the door at the end of the hall. Chains crossed it, heavy padlocks hanging from them.

Gabby stood in front of the door, staring at it. “They said they had never heard of any being suppressing their powers before, but I told them they’d never met anyone as stubborn as you.”

“What? Who said?”

The thump sounded again, and the door bulged outward, light glowing around the edges. More cracks formed as the door bent once more. It looked as if it was breathing.

“You locked it up in there. That part of you.”

“I had to,” I said, stepping back and looking at the ground. “I failed.”

Gabby put her hands on her hips as she turned to face me. “You’re being stupid and acting weak. That is not my sister.” She reached out and grabbed one of the locks.

I ran down the hall, clasping my hand over hers. “What are you doing?”

“Opening this damned door. We don’t have much time.”

“Gabby. Stop.”

Her head whipped to me with a look of pure determination. “No, you stop. There is no house with a locked door.”

“Gabby, can’t I just have a moment to be happy you’re here?”

“No, I need you to open the door, Dianna.” Her hands yanked on a lock so heavy it barely budged.


Wind howled in the house, more cracks forming. I felt that harrowing darkness lurking like a predator on the edge of a dark forest, waiting for its moment to pounce and devour me whole.

“I need you to admit that you shoved your powers so deep because you think you failed me, they failed me, and so you turned your back on them.”

I said nothing, tears swimming in my eyes.

“You know I’m not wrong. I know you. You’re the same woman who hit a boy twice her size when we were little because he stepped on my foot, the same one who stole an orange when mom said no because I cried I couldn’t have it. You are the same one who tied my sandals when I didn’t know how and the same one who gave me her shirt when mine ripped and took the blame so Mom wouldn’t be mad. This is you, every good and bad part is you, and I’m tired of you pretending to be something you are not. Regardless of how you feel, I love you for it, every single part, and so does he.”

A crack on the house spread above us, and she glanced up.

“That’s what scares you? You think no one could love you?”

The house shook, the floor buckling beneath our feet. A low-pitched growl made the hair on my arms stand up.