I flipped through the large codex translation book. I had been using it to translate Elianna’s journal but failed to make much headway.

“Most don’t make sense. I think it’s just a jumble of words and symbols,” Vincent said, towering over me to read over my shoulder. He’d tied his hair back, but small pieces had escaped the knot. Vincent usually only pulled it back like that when he was in a bad mood or stressed. “What if it is a language, and we are just looking at it wrong?” he asked, pointing to the text I had highlighted.

I turned my head to the side, and that’s when I saw it.

“You’re right.”

Cameron laughed around a mouthful of chips. “Ha! Vincent right? Who would have thought?”

Vincent flipped him off. Cameron leaned back and propped his feet up on the table with a lazy grin.

“Isn’t it weird Kaden had a whole archive on Samkiel and the other gods?” Cameron asked, crunching loudly on more chips. Neverra leaned over and grabbed the bag from him. She sat back, sharing the salty snack with Logan.

“Wasn’t there a rumor that Unir and Nismera were, ya know…” Cameron made a lewd motion with his hands that I ignored.

Logan nodded. “There were rumblings.”

“Please. The gods had meetings all the time that lasted days. Cameron just assumes everyone is fucking,” Vincent said with a scowl.

“Most are,” Cameron said. “All I’m saying is, what if Kaden is a secret child of Unir?”

Tension built behind my eyes. “You do know how babies work, right?” I asked Cameron.

“Yeah, Immy, just like you and—”

I sent him a death glare. He chuckled, and I flipped another page in the journal. “If he had a child, it would be documented. Also, Kaden is an Ig’Morruthen. How would that even work?”

Cameron shrugged. “I mean, we all know he was like Samkiel before he met Zasyn. So I don’t know, Imogen, but if he was a secret, that is why it wouldn’t be documented.”

Neverra snickered. “Regardless of Cameron’s brilliant theory, I highly doubt it.”

“I think he’s older than Unir himself, especially if he can open portals. So, who says he didn’t make Yejedin? The kings follow him, right?” Vincent added before taking a seat.

“That’s a good point, Vincent. Unir had a long list of enemies,” Neverra said.

Logan popped a chip into his mouth and swallowed before saying, “That makes more sense.”

Cameron sighs and digs into the bag, looking for more snacks.

Neverra pulled a book from the stack next to her. She flipped to a page she had marked and turned it toward us. “I found a brief history of Samkiel’s great-grandfather. It recounts how he went insane and blamed the gods for some future darkness that would taint and ruin the bloodline. He spread his lies and eradicated thousands before they dethroned him.”

I placed a hand under my chin. “That could also create a legion of enemies.”

“Phanthar, Samkiel’s grandfather, took the throne next, which we all know, but you know what they say. Cut the hand, and the blood that follows trickles down to the child.”

“Yeah, that makes no sense,” Cameron chided.

I glared at him. “Well, I didn’t make it up.”

“Oh.” Cameron sat up a tad bit straighter. “Wouldn’t it suck if Kaden was like Samkiel’s long-lost uncle or something?”

The room stilled. Even Logan stopped with a chip raised halfway to his mouth.

Cameron glanced at all of us and then sighed. “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?”

I nodded.

“Kaden is not blood kin or whatever Cameron has concocted in his brain,” Samkiel said calmly.