
She caught my pause and looked behind her, pointing at the box. “Is that it?”

I nodded and stepped forward to pull it down from the shelf. We knelt, and I lifted the lid. Neverra held her light steady over the box as I dug through the worn pages.

“My mom and dad worked in a lot of the temples. They were both healers, but my dad also dabbled in a few extra businesses on the side to help. One was supplying weapons to the royal guards. He showed me how to hold my first dagger. I’m not surprised so many files still exist, but what I need is—”

A scream split the hushed silence of the warehouse a moment before the door flew off its hinges and crashed against the wall. Talons tapped on the floor, and I didn’t need Otherworld senses to smell them.


We turned our flashlights off, and Neverra brushed her hand against my wrist.

“Hold on to my hand. We are leaving.”

I clasped her hand and rose to my feet, hearing more and more feet shuffling across the stone floor.

Neverra backed us slowly into a small alcove. “There’s too many of them,” Neverra whispered.

“How many? I can’t see.”

“Twelve. And they are huge.”

I swallowed and peered into the darkened corners of the warehouse. The yellow lights flickered, and I saw a tail whip to the side. Yup, definitely bigger. A phantom chill went through me as I remembered those claws and fangs ripping into me, dragging me back to Kaden.

One of them chortled, a hysterical, almost laugh that made me want to flee. I heard a crash as something was thrown, followed by a chorus of hisses—the box. I’d touched it, and they smelled it. Now those papers I so desperately needed were scattered beneath their feet.

“I can distract them long enough—”

“No.” I swallowed, the chattering noises they made growing louder. “We have to leave.”

“Wait,” Neverra whispered.

“No, I don’t care. I’m not risking you.” I meant every word. He could summon a portal and drag us both back. I wouldn’t let Kaden take her back to Yejedin. I wouldn’t put her at risk for my own selfish reasons.

Not like I had Gabby.

Her eyes softened as if she saw everything I thought.

She nodded. “Toward the back, I saw an exit. We can make it once the biggest one passes the third shelf over there.”

I looked around the corner, seeing what she meant as the swinging yellow light flashed between the darkness and monsters.

“Okay. Tell me when.”

We watched and waited. As soon as those clawed feet passed, we darted out and ran for the exit.



Neverra landed outside the palace and placed me on my feet, both of us swaying with exhaustion. The Irvikuva had chased us through the building. We’d made it out, and Neverra had shot into the sky. A flurry of wings had followed, the creatures screeching their frustration and hatred as we made our escape.

We entered the main foyer. Samkiel and I had christened each room, leaving a path of destruction in our wake. After we untangled ourselves from each other, we put the house back to rights.

“Thanks for going with me, Neverra. Even if it was a complete waste.”

I plopped on the couch and sighed.