Porphyrion leaned as close to the cobalt bars as he dared, a line of spit dangling from his jaws as he hissed, “Because I know the smell of royalty trash.”

“So you are claiming my father made this prison, hid it from every realm, then broke in to set prisoners free, only to end up with his ashes spread amongst the stars?”

He said nothing.

“You’re wrong, and I know the Kings of Yejedin had a part in this. Perhaps you are mistaken about who let who out.”

Porphyrion snorted. “No, you are wrong. The Kings of Yejedin are not that strong compared to the General.”

I wiped my hand across my face, growing frustrated. “The General? More fables?”

“Says the idiot king who knows nothing.”

I lifted my blade, the pure silver gleaming in this darkened hall. “Speak to me like that once more, and I take a limb.”

Porphyrion swallowed and scooted back but continued, “How you have The Hand, Unir had Generals. Three. They helped shape the cosmos. One General made the kings. The General of Unir that feeds on blood can shape terrifying creatures with his blood.”

“Shape creatures with his blood?”

Porphyrion’s massive nostrils flared. “Yes, and you reek of one of them.”

Dianna. My throat went dry.

“Kaden was one of my father’s Generals?”

“If that is its name, then I suppose.” Porphyrion scratched at his elbow. “The General never spoke to us here. I only saw that spiked armor of black and orange as he passed by. But he made other terrifying creatures before he made the kings. He made Apphellon, the one that controlled minds.”

He had to be talking about Alistair.

“Haldnunen was the one who controlled the dead,” Porphyrion said.

Or Tobias in Dianna’s world

“There was also Gewyrnon, the one that could control plagues and sickness, and Ittshare, the one that could bend ice. I don’t know what happened to all of them. We giants fought with them, and you see where I remain. The past is blurry when you’ve been left here to rot for so long.”

“Is there anything else you can remember?”

“No.” He folded his massive arms across his chest, and I knew he was not lying this time.

I sighed. “Very well then. It seems our time here is done. I can offer you two options. One, you stay here and continue to rot, or I can grant you release in the form of the afterlife.”

“I am tired, royal trash. I wish for no more torture, and I’ve heard Iassulyn is not pleasant.”

“No, it’s not. I can offer oblivion.”

Porphyrion nodded, and I saw the relief in his eyes. With a flick of my wrist, the dark death blade appeared in my hand, pulsating as if it had its own heartbeat. Tendrils of wispy violet energy danced around it, seeking a target.

“The famed sword of legends. What an honor.”

“Death will hopefully give you the peace you did not have in this life.”

“Save your pity, royal trash. You cannot fool me. None of you could, and I know why you smell like the General’s beast, why you find comfort with it. You are nothing but a monster to us, too.”



Neverra used a bit of her energy to open the front door, and we snuck in. We didn’t see a security guard as we made our way down to the lower levels, but when we reached the bottom floor, we heard a whistle and the jingle of keys. We ducked around the corner, hugging the wall as the guard passed. His head remained down, focused on some game on his tablet, the multi-color display lighting up from a win. Neverra smiled and shrugged at me as we darted past him and hurried down the hall, obviously having fun in our little adventure.