“Why?” The ‘after everything’ was silent.

Samkiel took a step forward, and I took one back. His large frame took up half the cell door, partially blocking my view of Logan.

“Please, do not get too excited. This is not a….” He looked at Logan. “What is the word I am searching for?”

“Vacation? Maybe?”

“Ah yes, not a vacation for you. I simply require something from you. A favor, no, I apologize, a request, so to speak.”

My nerves raced. What could he want from me? “What is it you need?”

“Merely a day.”

“A day?”

He rubbed at the growing stubble on his jaw as if searching for the words. He seemed nervous. What could he possibly need a day for?

“Yes, I wish for you to impersonate me. Only for a day. Logan will be with you the entire time, helping you if the council wishes to speak, but no one else will know.”

Sweat broke out down my spine. “You want me to impersonate you during a council meeting for a day?”

Samkiel nodded.


“The reason is none of your business.”

The way he said it and shuffled his feet told me everything I needed to know. I fought to keep the smile off my face. Dianna. It had to be because of her. She was the only one I knew that could unnerve him enough to crack his tough exterior.

“Okay. I’ll do it. It’s the least I can do considering…”

Samkiel pinned me in place with his gaze, and my words trailed off. An icy wind ripped through the room, and if looks could kill, I’d be dead.

“This changes nothing about your imprisonment, nor does it make up for what you have done. Do you understand?”

I nodded, lowering my gaze. “I know.”

“Perfect,” he said from right in front of me. He hadn’t bothered to lower the glowing bars. He just appeared inside my cell. I froze as he dipped his head toward me.

“If you try to flee while I am away, try to hurt or trick anyone I care for, I will make sure your death lasts eons. I know how, and I can show you. It would be easy after what you did to my Dianna. Is that also clear?”

My nod was more of a feverish shake. He straightened, my eyes boring into his broad chest. One second he was there. The next, I was looking at Logan beyond the cerulean bars.

Logan tapped his fingers against the screen on the wall beside my cell, and the bars fell.

He stepped inside and produced a key before reaching for my hands. I noticed the hint of a tattoo curving around his wrist as he unlocked the cuffs.

“I’ll need to eat something if I am doing a transfiguration spell. Especially if I am to hold it all day.”

The chains fell to the floor, and my magic welled to the surface, wrapping me in warmth.

Logan stepped back, his expression hard. “I am surprised Dianna let you live after what you did.”

“You care about her.”

“She is my queen.”

“What?” The word left my lips on a gasp.