Samkiel went to open his mouth right as a loud crack accompanied by a flash of cobalt made me jump.

“Okay, I waited long enough. Did you tell her? Can we go now?” Cameron demanded as he entered the kitchen.

Xavier followed him in, snickering and shaking his head. For once, neither of them were wearing their dark council garbs. Instead, they wore tank tops and shorts. They looked so normal, not the fierce, deadly warriors meant to keep us all in line.

Samkiel finished chewing a piece of toasted grain and sighed, rolling his eyes. It was an expression I hadn’t seen in a while, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I thought he’d banished you or whatever gods do to those who piss them off,” I said to Cameron and Xavier. Xavier sat beside me, and Cameron stood on my left. Samkiel’s gaze lingered on Cameron, a muscle in his jaw twitching. I wondered if he was still jealous, while another part of me was thrilled at the thought he might be.

“Have no fear,” Samkiel said. “Cameron and Xavier are still paying for their mistake.”

Xavier sighed as if the punishment was torture, but Cameron only smirked a fraction harder.

“Now,” Samkiel grabbed a napkin, wiping his hands, “I have to go to Onuna for a meeting with the ambassadors. Vincent will accompany me, but I feel the others could use a break.”

Samkiel stood to his full height, my eyes following his every movement as last night flashed through my head. I bit my bottom lip, my core tightening. Heat flooded through me in a rush, my hunger for him returning tenfold. I bit back a whimper and shifted in my seat, trying to extinguish it, keenly aware of Cameron’s abilities and what my scent might reveal. I felt my cheeks flush and quickly dropped my gaze. Cameron had gone uncharacteristically quiet, but I refused to look at him. I shoved a piece of fruit into my mouth, not responding when Samkiel said he’d see me later and left the house.

“I saw that.”

I stabbed at the cold egg on my plate. “Saw what?”

Cameron leaned on the counter and stole a piece of fruit from my plate. Xavier said nothing.

“The smile, the way you practically eye fucked him when he stood up, and let’s not talk about the scent in this house.”

I groaned and put my fork down before covering my burning face with my hands. “Has anyone told you the smelling thing is fucking weird?”

“Plenty of people.” Xavier chuckled.

“Solo activities, Dianna? Tsk, tsk. You know, gods are very possessive. Samkiel would be oh so very hurt if he learned you’d rather take care of yourself than let him.”

I dropped my hands and glared at him. “Well, he seems all too happy to be occupied at the moment.”

Xavier snorted. “Unlikely.”

“It doesn’t matter how busy he is. If you said you needed him, he would be here,” Cameron said, oddly serious.

Xavier grunted in agreement, popping a piece of fruit into his mouth.

Cameron lifted a brow. “You do realize we aren’t the same red-blooded males from Onuna, right? His pride would be wounded. He already thinks you want nothing to do with him. I mean, I doubt he’ll come back once he finds out, and we have a council meeting tomorrow, so then he’ll be gone even longer. You know those take a while, but then that would be fine with you, right? Not like you care anyway.”

“I don’t like threats.” I grabbed the dull toast knife and pointed it toward him. “You won’t say a word to him about my… activities,” I hissed.

Amusement flashed in his eyes, and Xavier whistled under his breath.

Cameron had baited me on purpose and was more than happy with my reaction. “I won’t. If…”

“If what?”

“If you actually hang out with us all today. Have fun, real fun, and your secret is safe with me.”

Cameron shifted the knife away with two fingers, and I let him. Mostly because I didn’t have any powers right now and because what he was offering didn’t sound terrible.

“That’s it?”

He nodded and grinned. “That’s it.”
