He lifted one hand and unbuttoned his council garbs, revealing his tanned chiseled chest. My mouth watered like a starved beast desperate to be fed. I wondered if Samkiel was the type of male to make a sound if I flicked my tongue across his nipple or grazed it with my teeth. My gums ached, fangs begging to spring forward and attach to his flesh, only none came.

“See this scar?”

He pointed to a small line beneath one of his abs, pulling me from my illicit thoughts. The mark was barely visible.


“I got into a fight a long, long time ago, one amongst many, with a man who I didn’t know was, in your mortal terms, married at the time. He lost, of course, but I let him get a shot in because I felt guilty for my part in the whole situation.”

The jealousy that flared to life in my gut annoyed even me. Not only was Samkiel not mine, but this happened centuries ago.

“Let me guess. You slept with his girlfriend?”

“Husband, actually. I was not aware at the time.”

“Wait, so there is marriage in your world outside of the Mark of Dhihsin?”

“Yes, although it is not taken as seriously. Not all are lucky enough to have a mate, and sometimes mates die long before the two ever meet. It happens, so there are many other ways to bond and show commitment and affection.”

I nodded, and he buttoned his council garbs closed. It would have been unseemly for me to beg him not to bother, so I controlled myself and tried to focus on his words.

“The point of the story is, why do you punish yourself?”

I knew why. I’d tried to bury it, but my traitorous mind would not allow it. Like an overeager assistant, my brain shoved the image of Samkiel and me returning from Roccurem’s realm.

“It’s late, and I’m tired,” I said and shot to my feet, nearly toppling him over in my haste to retreat. I left the bathroom, leaving him kneeling on the floor. In my bedroom, I discarded my robe and pulled on a clean tank top before crawling into the massive bed. I made sure to face away from the photo of Gabby and me.

I heard him exit the bathroom, and his footsteps paused outside the room.

“Will you stay tonight?” I murmured from beneath the covers, waiting for his response with bated breath.

“If you wish for me too.”

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. “And you’ll come back tomorrow after whatever council meeting you have?”

There was a long pause, but I was too afraid to look and see if he was still there.

“Would you like me to?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation.

“Then I will.”

I heard his footsteps as he left. Knowing he was downstairs eased the gnawing, aching void in my chest, and I realized what was wrong with me. I was lonely. Lonelier than I had been in my entire life, and even though we fought and bickered, I didn’t feel so empty when he was around.

And a lock on a door in a house rattled.



My armored boots pounded against the floor, and I pushed against the large doors. They swung open, revealing a room that held no chairs or tables, the only decoration several large runes engraved on the floor. The Hand stood waiting for me, all of them wearing the custom-made silver armor I had created for them centuries ago.

“You’re late. Sleep well?” Cameron asked with a suggestive grin.

I hadn’t. I’d tossed and turned the entire night. Regardless of how nice and comfortable they were, couches were not beds and did not promote a good night’s sleep. But I refused to be too far away from her, especially when she asked me to stay. At least below her, I could hear her heartbeat as she slept and knew when she woke. That gave me peace enough. I just wished I had thought about it when I redesigned this place. I would have put another room in this part of the palace.

The flat of my blade smacked against Cameron’s helmet, the metal against metal ringing like a bell. He jerked back, and Xavier laughed. “You deserved that.”