The disembodied voice chuckled. “Keep your temper in check. It turns out it was a good plan to keep her around until the weapon is formed. I just wish they would stay apart a little while longer.”

“I told you that was a mistake.” My fingers tapped against the dais. “I didn’t summon him back.”

“They will be drawn to each other like magnets. I’m surprised they stayed apart this long, being in the same realm. But you know they cannot be together. If they even get close—”

“You don’t need to worry about that. I assure you.”

The voice grew deeper, colder. “You preached that before, yet we all felt it here.”

“Well, I killed her sister, just like you wanted. Things change. She’s more Ig’Morruthen than she has ever been. You saw that as well. They are back to being on warring sides. Her only focus is revenge. She will hunt me down, and once she does, I plan to keep her here until it's time.” I paused, thinking of how to word my next sentence. “She is strong, my king. Perhaps we can use her for what’s coming.”

The mirror went flat. “Now, Kaden, you wouldn’t be propositioning me to let you keep her permanently, would you?”

“I am merely saying—”

“The ritual ends her. You know the outcome. The realms cannot open without it. Do you plan to fuck a corpse for the rest of eternity?”

“What if there was a loophole?”

Another pause. “You plan for Haldnunen to raise her? For you?”

“No, I can make the ritual take one part of her. The rest would remain. She could be another Ig’Morruthen to ensure your reign. Think of it, of what she is. My power runs through her veins, her entire being. It would be as if you had two of us. That’s more power added to our ranks.”

The obsidian mirror went still, vibrating lightly.

“Hmm. And you think she will listen to you after you killed her sister?”

“She will once she learns the truth.” I shrugged. “Besides, feelings can change after a few hundred years. If she doesn’t listen, we can keep her locked up until she does.”

Another long pause of silence. I chewed at the corner of my lip as the Irvikuva yipped above me, sensing my nervousness.

“I would like more weapons to use against those trying to rebel. Given what she is, it is promising.” The voice seemed to soften and grew thoughtful. Hope flared in my chest.

“It will be done. I swear it.”

“Very well. Open the realms successfully, and you may keep your pet.”

Triumph filled me, and a smile spread across my face.

“Now,” the pool rippled, “do I have my spellcaster?”

I scratched behind my ear and glanced to the side. Fuck. I could not lie. It would be so much worse if they returned and discovered the truth.

“Santiago is no more.”

Silence fell, and I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. The dark material in front of me frosted over. My shoulders tensed, expecting wrath, but a small ripple formed instead as that voice flickered through.

“If he was so easy to kill, then he is useless to me. What of the other one?”

I pondered the question, my clenched fingers releasing the edge of the dais as the tension left me. Other one? My mind raced, and then I paused.


“Yes,” the voice purred, “Camilla. Bring that one to me.”

“As you wish.”

I knew exactly how I could get Camilla. It was just a matter of timing it right. I slid a hand over my jaw and nodded. Compared to our last conversation, I felt good about this one. Maybe the broadcast was just what we’d needed for The Order to see I had this under control. Alistair’s death had halted plans and brought fear to the fearless.