Blinding pain exploded in my temples in the next instance, and I fell to my knees. I watched as two large figures walked next to Roccurem, their mouths opening in a swirling empty void.

“You cannot contain me.” I gritted between clenched teeth, fighting that ache in my skull.

“Forgive me, god king, it is in her best interest, I assure you.”

I went to stand as another blistering sharp pain threaded through my skull. My body hit the floor seconds before darkness claimed me.



The halls of Yejedin groaned as I walked down the long corridor. I stopped at the balcony edge, gazing into the pit of molten metal below. Another large container of iron poured in, steam rising in waves to the open ceiling. The thick liquid bubbled and spat before consuming the iron. The Irvikuva clamored across the walls, their sharp talons carving away small pieces of rock as they jumped from one ledge to another. Some took flight, screeching and mocking the dead that continued to walk single-file toward the crater in the middle.

“You went to Onuna. Can’t stay away from her, can you?” Tobias said, joining me. I grabbed the obsidian rails, watching them pour even more iron into the pit. It wouldn’t be enough. I needed more.

“She is going to surpass you soon.”

He snorted dismissively. “Doubtful.”

Machines clanged and groaned, molding yet another batch of weapons.

“Your plan worked, it seems. I heard that a building in Silver City almost fell.”

A smile tugged at my lips. “Good.”

“If he has caught her, he will keep her with him.”

My fingers tapped against the railing. “I know. Everything is going exactly to plan.”

“Easier to take them both?”

I nodded. “Exactly.” And I would take them both, even if I had my own plans for Dianna.

“While they are busy, I’ll get more iron,” Tobias said before slipping back into the shadows.

I strode down the hallway, the Irvikuva trailing behind me. I summoned a portal at the end of the hall and stepped through into an obsidian room. Torches protruded from the stone, illuminating a red and gold tapestry on the back wall, a stark contrast to the unrelieved darkness that existed here. A large desk sat beneath it, flanked by stacks of chests. Ancient weapons displayed like art hung in groupings on the other walls. Fabric, the same colors as the tapestry, draped the raised dais in the middle of the room.

I placed my hands on the side of the dais, the shimmering black pool in the center prickling and vibrating. It gave me access to other worlds, connecting me to those beyond this realm. Irvikuva followed me, the portal closing behind them. They settled and perched around the room, looking expectantly at the dais.

“Is it done?” A distorted voice flowed through the inky pool.

“Nearly,” I said, dropping my head.

“The sister's death caused a fracture we needed, it seemed. I'm delighted.”

I made a noise low in my throat.

“Are they keeping each other busy? He and the girl?”

The girl.

I felt the muscle in my jaw flex and my power mantle. The Irvikuva bristled with aggression and snarled, crawling toward me as if they could sense the threat.

I bared my teeth at them but otherwise ignored their posturing. “Yes, even if Samkiel trails after her like she’s in heat. They are at war with one another. Everything has returned to the plan.”

“Good, to be fair, it's all your fault, really. You turned her and then decided to care for her. I gave you strict orders, but you decided to listen to your cock instead.” The mirror rippled, the voice neither male nor female but pure, unrelenting power.

My low growl echoed through the room.