“Neverra took you?” He cocked his head to the side, more curious than angry, but something else was bothering me.

I ignored his question, unable to contain the pain of my doubts. “Does this mean Gabby isn’t my sister? I mean, I know what I’m looking at, and I know what it says, but—”

“This changes nothing. Nothing, Dianna. She still is and will always be your sister. The same one you grew up with, the same one you experienced life with, the same one you died for, lived for, and fought for. Blood is the least of what makes a family. Trust me.”

I did trust him. Samkiel would always tell me the truth. I leaned forward and grabbed the neckline of his armor. Pulling him toward me, I kissed him. Once. Twice. Three times before I sat back down.

“Now you kiss me?”

“I needed to tell you what I had done before you kissed me. You needed to know because I did not want you to feel deceived or manipulated. I know what that is, and I would not have you feel that at my hands, Samkiel.” I gave him an angelic smile and started to gather the documents. “Plus, you were being nice.”

“Thank you for protecting my heart, Dianna,” he said, his eyes brilliant with an emotion I was afraid to name. “And, I’m always nice. You, on the other hand…”

I glared at him. His returning grin was brilliant and playful. For the first time, I noticed the thin layer of dust on his face. I wiped at my lips, my hand coming away with a gray line smeared across the back.

“Why do you taste terrible?” I asked with a grimace, really looking him over for the first time tonight. Gray dust coated his armor, the only shiny spot, my handprint on his chest, directly over his heart.

“There she is.”

“What happened to you? Are you okay?”

He chuckled, the deep masculine sound resonating in my soul. “Sorry, and yes, I’m fine.”

“Then why are you disgusting?” I asked, arching a single brow.

“I thought that was a quality you favored in me?”

Heat flared, burning away the sadness that had gripped me so viciously. “Hmm, maybe. I can think of a few others, though.”

The corners of his mouth lifted in an evil grin. “I think you need to show me.”

My stomach flipped every time Samkiel smiled, but the ones he flashed when he thought something filthy were downright devious, and they made my entire body run hot.

“Maybe after you shower. I don’t have my super magical powers, and I refuse to get an infection because you’re gross.”

His laugh reverberated across my skin, my soul. “I’d just heal you.”

“Mm-hmm.” I stood and held out my hand to him. “Come on.”

He took my hand and allowed me to pull him to his feet. He didn’t fight me as we headed upstairs, and he laughed when I shoved him into the bathroom. I started the shower as he stripped behind me. Once the water was warm enough, I stepped out of the way, and he walked in. I turned and grabbed a cloth from the counter. Wetting it, I wiped the dirt from my mouth and face. I watched Samkiel in the bathroom mirror as he rinsed the grime from that beautiful, powerful body.

He caught me looking and smiled. “You know you don’t have to ask. Come join me,” he said, temptation itself.

“I already showered. You’re the one who got home late.” I placed the cloth down and turned toward him, leaning back against the counter.

Suddenly, every bit of his attention focused on me. He stilled, water flowing over the carved muscles of his chest and thighs.

“What?” I asked, cocking my head.

“Home?” he asked, his voice husky and low, but I heard him.

I hadn’t even thought about it. The word had slipped out easily. I stared into the deep gray of his eyes and realized that he had become my home.

I didn’t bother trying to hide it. I was a terrible liar, anyway. “That’s what it feels like with you.”

He smiled as if I’d just handed him a priceless gift.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, don’t make that face.” His smile widened, joyful and triumphant. “Now it’s your turn.” I folded my arms. “What happened today?”