“Okay,” I said as he all but hurried away, not glancing back at us.

“I’ll bet,” Vincent said, slipping his hands into his pockets as he watched Xavier leave.

“Vincent, my man.”

“Me, too,” Logan piped in.

“Not you, too?” Imogen said, placing her hands on her hips.

“Okay, I say a day,” I said.

“I say a few more hours,” Logan said, wobbling his head from side to side. “I mean, she’s mortal or close to it now, right? How much godly dick can she take before she breaks?”

Vincent rolled his eyes at Logan’s wide grin. It was the first real one we had seen since Neverra came back. “I say less than an hour, so we better hurry and eat.”

“Deal.” I smirked but suddenly stopped. “You know, we didn’t ask Roccurem if he even wanted to go. Stay right here.”

They nodded and continued to banter. I jogged back into the council room. Roccurem still stood at the window with his hands behind his back.

“Hey, did you want to come with us? I don’t remember what fates eat, but you’re more than welcome to come with us.”

He didn’t turn toward me, but I suspected those damned white eyes were out. “It will be painful.”

I grinned. “Eating? Highly unlikely.”

“But it is necessary for what has to occur. I wish there were another way, but it seems even that cannot be avoided. You will lose so much, young hunter. You all will. I do hope you treasure your family while you still have them. I did try. Remember that.”

Fear slithered down my back. “Try? Try what?”

He said nothing else before disappearing from the room, his words rattling through my very being.


Cameron. Three Days Later.

I tossed the small ball at the council wall, catching it with ease when it bounced back. The council halls were empty, the light of the setting sun sparkling off the shiny stone floors.

“Where is Neverra?”

Logan sighed and flipped another page. “Helping Imogen transcribe that journal.”

“I’m bored.”

Logan scowled at me. “You’d probably be less bored if you helped me.”

“Roccurem said there is nothing in the books.” I threw the ball and caught it again when it hurtled back at me. “Along with some other weird riddle shit.”

I dropped the ball on the table and nudged a text on the different dimensions. “We already read through these. Yejedin isn’t in them, and none of us know why. Maybe we will find out once Immy gets that journal transcribed. So, do you want to go with me or not?”

Logan closed his book and leaned forward. “Why? Because Xavier is ignoring you?”

I bristled. Xavier had been ignoring and avoiding me. I just didn’t know why. Every time I tried to joke or talk to him, he stated he had somewhere else to be and left.

“Fine.” I stood. “I’ll go check on Samkiel myself.”


“Yeah, it’s been three days. I assume that Dianna has gotten her powers back and killed him in cold blood by now.”