“You know me so well.” Logan shook his head, attempting to step around me. “It’s not important. Not right now.”

My blade only pressed harder, making him take a step back. He sighed, flicking his finger across his ring to remove his helmet. I did the same. He held my gaze, rubbing a hand across his mouth as if he couldn’t find the words.

“Just say it, Logan. Whatever it is. Just tell me. If I can help you, I will,” I said, meaning every word. He had earned it, whatever it was, but more than that, I wanted him happy again.

He took a deep breath and finally blurted, “I want you to release us. Once Kaden is dead and this is done, I want out. I want Neverra out. I want a life with her, a real one, with a home and children. Something normal, or normal for us, at least. We’ve already talked about it. We can still work at the council, but we want out.”

His jaw clenched, but he held my gaze, and I could see everything he didn’t say. The fear and hopelessness he had felt when he’d lost her. He couldn’t go through that again.


“Okay?” Logan nearly croaked.

My brow lifted. “Were you expecting something else from me?”

“No. It’s just I know everything is terrible for you right now, and I didn’t want to add to your misery, but I have to think of Neverra. I almost lost her, Samkiel.”

My chest ached for him. I knew how distraught he’d been the last few months and how often he checked his hand, making sure the Mark of Dhihsin hadn’t disappeared as she had.

“I almost lost her, and I don’t want to miss out on anything with her again. I know you and Dianna are still fighting whatever it is between you two, but I also know some part of you understands.”

I forced a smile. “I understand, Logan. It’s a harsh reality that nothing lasts forever, not even us. My immortality is a curse. I was never meant to hold the realms together alone. So when this is done, just live, Logan. You both deserve it. You all do. I would never be upset. All I ever wanted was for all of you to be happy. When this is done, you and Neverra are free to leave. I will stop none of you who wish for a different life.”

Logan rushed forward, hugging me. He would have knocked the wind out of me if I hadn’t been wearing armor. I clapped him on the back, refusing to think about him not being at my side, and stepped back. He clasped one armored hand on my shoulder before dropping it.

“You’ve always been better than the other gods. I think that’s why they hated you.”

I merely shrugged. “Hmm, that and several other reasons.”

Logan chuckled, and we started down the small carved-out hallway. As we proceeded, I raised my hand, manifesting a single silver ball of energy. Logan fell back as the tunnel narrowed, protecting my back as always. As we approached the opening, I saw the flicker of flames and allowed my light to fade. Something waited for us, and the icy chill amongst the oppressive heat raised the hair on my arms. I remembered the runes I’d seen when we first entered this section and knew death lay ahead.

We emerged into the cavern, and I heard Logan’s helmet slide into place as he drew his ablaze weapon. My blood ran cold when I saw the symbols carved into the walls. It wasn’t a beast or monster in front of us. No, it was much worse. The light died in my hand as Logan stepped to my side, his head tipping back as he looked up and up and up.

Rows and rows of doors were carved within the cliff wall. Long grate bridges crisscrossed from wall to wall, spanning an open, empty pit. All of that registered, but the engraved runes above every door made me stop. Those weren’t doors. They were cells.

“What is this?” Logan asked, spinning on the narrow ledge, taking in the enormity of this place.

I shook my head in disbelief.

“Yejedin is not just a pocket dimension, Logan. It’s a prison.” I pointed at the runes above the cells. “And those runes are meant to hold ancient, powerful beings.”

* * *

I sent all of them back to the remains of Rashearim. Hours passed before I returned to the council halls, but by the look of The Hand all sitting around, it may have been longer than I thought.

The portal to Yejedin closed behind me, the cut on my palm sealing. Cameron shot to his feet, abandoning his seat beside Xavier and the bag of snacks between them.

“It’s about time. We were about to go in and get you.”

Xavier cocked his head, continuing to munch on his snacks. “No, we weren’t. We can’t open portals.”

Cameron glared at him as Imogen stepped forward. “Well? You’re not covered in guts or intestines, so I assume it’s empty? Which also scares me a little.”

I was unsure what they saw on my face, but Logan slowly rose to his feet and stood behind an armored Neverra. Vincent eyed me, his expression unreadable. “I need to show you all something. It has to stay between us. No one in the council can know. Understood?” My eyes pinned each of them, waiting for their nod of agreement.

* * *

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” Xavier whispered, looking at all the empty cells. Some were so vast they were the size of small realms. Large chains engraved with the same containment runes lay broken on the ground.