I shrugged. “It won’t, but it would make me happy.”

Something sparked in his eyes, but I didn’t know him well enough to read his expression. Nearby laughter caught my attention. A couple exited a photo booth and exclaimed over the strip of images the machine spit out before hurrying away, pointing toward a large ride. I smiled, and Samkiel’s gaze followed mine.

“I dislike that,” he remarked, eyeing my grin. “It means you have some idea I will probably not like.”

My smile only grew, and he opened his mouth to say something. I didn’t allow him to protest before grabbing his wrist and pulling him with me. He didn’t resist like I thought he would. I let go of him as I stopped outside of the booth.

He studied the booth suspiciously. “What is this device?”

I snorted, inserting a few coins I might have stolen. “You’ll see.”

He started to protest, but I shoved him inside and pulled the curtain closed behind us. I spun and nearly collided with his chest. Okay, I hadn’t considered his size, the small space, and how close we would be. He was damn near a giant, and our bodies were pressed close. I felt the flush travel through my body and turn my cheeks hot. What the fuck?

“You’re so hostile.”

I snorted. “Sorry. I wanted you in here before you could object.”

He looked down at me, and my heart thudded. Yeah, he was way too close.

“What happens now?”

“Well, first…” I reached up. My fingers threaded through his hair, ruffling it. I tried to ignore how soft it was as he frowned at me.

I laughed, my arm half raised as a flash went off, startling us both. Samkiel jumped, almost hitting his head on the top of the machine. I busted out laughing and almost dropped my cotton candy. There was another flash, and he glared at the source of the light. One of his rings vibrated as if he was about to draw a weapon and fight the machine.

I rested my hand over his, covering his rings. He looked down at our hands and then back up at me.

“It’s fine. I promise. It’s harmless. It’s just taking pictures,” I explained calmly.

“Pictures?” The flash went off again, and I smiled brighter. He looked damn near terrified.

“Yes. Look, like this.” I let go of his hand and lifted mine toward his face. He almost flinched back but stopped, his eyes darting to me.

I lightly grabbed his chin and forced his face toward the camera just as it flashed again. I didn’t know if it was the sugar rush from the candy or the great and powerful World Ender’s fear of a small photo booth, but I hadn’t genuinely laughed like this in what felt like centuries. There were two more flashes before the room returned to its dull glow. I placed another piece of candy in my mouth as he stared at me.


He shook his head as if he was in a daze. “Nothing, I just never heard you laugh before.”

I brushed my hair back and shrugged before leaving the booth. Samkiel followed. “Sorry, it was just funny.”

“Don’t apologize,” he said as I reached for the pictures that the photo booth produced. “It’s a pleasant sound.”

“My laugh?” I snorted and lifted the pictures. “Yeah, right.”

He didn’t say anything, just leaned over my head to look at the pictures.

“Now what?”

I turned and placed the strip of pictures into one of his jacket pockets. Samkiel stayed perfectly still, but I could see the question in his eyes.

“For you to keep. So when you go back to your silver tower with your glowing goddesses and celestial army, you will remember that you made friends with an evil and wicked Ig’Morruthen while on Onuna.”

I smiled up at him and took another bite of cotton candy. He was quiet for a second, but another scream from a ride had him turning in startled alertness.

“I see.” He adjusted his jacket and took a deep breath before nodding behind me. “What other tortures do you wish to show me in this place?”

My smile was damn near wicked, and I could tell he knew he’d made a mistake by the way he shook his head.