Page 60 of For Sam

The supposedly mild-mannered Landen brother somehow seems to be on the same page as me at any given time. My eyes dart from his to the door to his room and he cocks his head to the side, a smirk lifting the edge of his lips as he walks backward, his hand slipping from my cheek to the back of my neck, and the one that was holding mine is on my hip and I slip my fingers through his belt loops.

“When do your brothers come in for the day?” I ask, hoping to not get caught twice in one day, but wanting very much to make out with Tommy for a while.

“Not for a bit,” he says confidently. “But we also have established ground rules since we all live under the same roof.”


He nudges the door open with his foot.

“You probably haven’t noticed, but not one of us has a shared wall.”

“Pardon?” I ask, totally perplexed.

“We’ve done some soundproofing over the years, but to make sure there’s privacy, none of us have rooms next to each other. Even Bryant’s room isn’t directly under Matt’s.” Tommy shuts the door with a click as his lips trail feather-light kisses down my neck.

“So none of you can…hear anything happening?” My words come out breathless and I can feel him smile against my skin.

“Nope, and when a door is shut, it stays that way. If there’s an emergency, we knock, but our rooms are our own.” He backs me up against the wall next to his closet and I pull him against me, relishing in the feel of the heat from him sinking into me as he kisses his way back up my neck.

“Truth or dare,” he whispers into my ear.

I don’t know what to expect from this but I’m feeling bold. “Dare.”

A nibble on my ear has me gasping as his knee parts my legs. He makes a low sound in his throat that rumbles in his chest and I feel it all the way to my core. “I dare you,” he says as he kisses along my jaw, “to tell me everything you’re thinking and feeling for the next hour.”

“And what do you have planned for the next full hour, Tommy Landen?”

“If you’re interested, I plan to have you come for me three times.”

Part of me thinks I should be terrified that this isn’t going to work, that there’s something wrong with me.

“What do you think?” he asks, eyes locked on mine, giving me the confidence to own this decision and let him in. Let him see me bare—not just my body but allowing him to read me and my desires.

And even though I’m scared shitless that this is going to end like almost every other experience, the fact that he’s asking and that he’s shown me over and over he’s here for me, all of me, I nod.

Chapter 36: Tommy

“I need to hear you say it, Samantha.” I hold her gaze, willing her to stay with me and not dismiss intimacy as something that’s only one-way. My fingers ache to trace the movement of her throat as she swallows hard. To trace every inch of her.

After a few moments, she takes a deep breath and I brace myself for rejection. I know I’m asking for her to put a lot of trust in me and she might think I’m a little overzealous, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try to show her what she deserves from a partner.

“I’m interested,” she says, her voice soft but steady.

I stop myself from starting everything right this second because I need one thing from her still. “And the dare? Do you think you can handle that?”

She winces just a little, almost imperceptibly. “How detailed do I need to get?”

“Enough to tell me if you don’t like something for any reason, and if you do like something, but it could be even better with an adjustment, I’d like you to tell me that.” I pause. “Or you could show me.”

Just as I expect, the flush of desire shifts to mild mortification, if such a thing exists.

“But you don’t have to do the last one for the dare,” I assure her.

“I just tell you if it’s not helping, or if it can be better?” she asks.


“I can try.”