Page 27 of For Sam

I think I laid the groundwork well for this. But I’m definitely floundering now that I sent the text. I push my phone just out of arm’s reach on the desk so I don’t send her more messages while she thinks things over.

It’s only eleven. Huh, she usually doesn’t text much until her lunch break.

My phone vibrates just before I’m about to sit on my hands since I have more questions. Legitimate, normal questions, not panic-induced babbling.

Sam: Decaf for you?

I groan. Of course she’s answering the messages in order.

Tommy: Surprise me.

She’s typing.

My leg starts to twitch as I stare at the three dots that don’t go away.

Shit, did I totally misread everything the other night? She sent a flirty text that night and I replied, doing my best to ignore Maisy’s message.

The dots leave the screen and I frown, now worrying that I messed up. Maybe I didn’t mess up. Maybe I’m just not the guy for her. I wince at the physical pain that brings to my chest.

Rubbing my sternum, I try to ease the building pressure.

Calm down, Tommy Landen. You know she stresses about her words. Don’t assume the worst in her just because—

The front door swings open with much more force than is necessary and Bryant comes in caked with mud from head to toe. He looks like he’s about to murder someone.

“Dare I ask?” I venture, grateful for his timing.

He kicks off his boots and I see his jaw clenching over and over, still fuming.


Well, I didn’t expect to get much more of an explanation from him, especially looking like that.

“Want coffee ready for when you’re clean?” I ask.

He takes a deep breath in through his nose. “Please.”

“On it.” I reach for my phone and slip it in my jeans as I walk to the kitchen. Since it’s after eleven, the other guys will be in soon for lunch, so I brew a full pot. I consider setting out the whiskey, but they’re all going right back outside with the animals, so they can’t partake.

My pocket vibrates and my nerves return tenfold. I take a deep breath before I pull my phone out and unlock it.

Sam: Sorry for the delay! Hank called to remind me to not work right now. For full transparency, I’m saying yes to going on a date with you on Thursday. Where would you like to go? I’ll start studying the menu on my break!

Nothing could stop my smile. Not even Matt and Caleb barreling through the front door. They’re not quite as caked as Bryant, but whatever went down didn’t leave them unscathed.

I burst out laughing. “Do I get to know what happened now?”

“We were going to try getting someone on the new mare today.”

Caleb waves at me, “We attempted to get my ass in the saddle. As you might have guessed by my appearance, I didn’t make it.”

I rush a few steps over to him, “Shit, are you okay?”

Matt swats me away. “He never got a boot in the stirrup, he’s okay. We had a helmet on him the whole time, too.”

“Did the doctor give the okay for him to ride a horse that has only recently gotten used to wearing a saddle?” I ask, looking at them both suspiciously.

“I was cleared to ride.” There’s a stubborn set to Caleb’s jaw as he says it.