Page 22 of For Sam

Now I’m wondering what this pec looks like.

And his whole torso… and back.

Who am I kidding? I want to know what this man looks like in his birthday suit.

And for once, I’m thinking there’s a chance, because this feels like a date.

I don’t think I talked him into anything. Did I?

No, Tommy’s got the biggest heart, but he wouldn’t do something he wasn’t comfortable with.

I let out a little sigh as his fingers lightly trail from my elbow to my shoulder and back down, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Looking down at our hands, I realize that mine isn’t sweaty. For all that my brain is wondering about what the heck we’re doing, and not doing, something with Tommy soothes me. And turns me on. Especially since I can feel his abs. He’s not flexing or anything like that, but they’re definitely there.

From years of working on the ranch…throwing bales of hay, riding horses, moving feed, and who knows what else.

We shift every now and then, and I pull my feet up onto the sofa, but things are easy and unpressured. And then the movie ends and I realize I have no plan or protocol for what comes next.

“So?” Tommy asks.

So, what? So are we going back to my room? So what now? So…nice to see you?

“Um,” I begin, totally unsure how to tell what I was thinking he might have meant.

“What’d you think?” he asks, nodding toward the rolling credits.

I let out a nervous laugh. Of course that’s what he was wondering.

“Where’d your mind go?” he asks, amusement sparkling in his eyes as I sit up so I can face him.

We disentangle and I run both hands down my face, groaning.

“It was really cute,” I tell him, attempting to avoid his second question.

He pulls my hands away from my face. “Please don’t feel like you have to hide, not from me.”

There’s a gentle command in his eyes. But I still feel like I have complete control of the situation. How the hell does he do that?

“No hiding, I can do that. But you might have to remind me every now and then,” I tell him.

His eyes soften and he smiles. “I can keep that in mind. But I should get going, it’s technically past my bedtime.”

That answers the bedroom question.

“Of course, same here.” As if I’m going to fall asleep after he leaves. My head is already spinning.

Tommy grabs the glasses in one hand and the snacks in the others. I stare for a moment. He has some big hands.

And now I’m thinking about what else might be comparable in size as he walks to the kitchen.

Man, he has a cute butt. Especially in those jeans.

“You can just—”

“Truth or dare,” he says, cutting me off.

Narrowing my eyes at him because I don’t know where this is going, I take the brave route. “Dare.”