Page 18 of For Sam


“What are you thinking about right now?”

“That I’d like you to come up?”

Well, that’s not what I expected.

Chapter 9: Sam

“If you’re asking, I’m accepting,” Tommy says.

He kills the engine and looks back at me.

Oh no. I didn’t just think about asking him into my apartment, I actually did it.

And he said yes.

“Um, let me grab all of my things,” I say, gathering up everything and stuffing it into my tote. I hope I didn’t just tear any pages.

Tommy gets out of the truck and walks around, clearly coming to my door.

I take a deep breath.

This is not a date. It’s a work function.

I need a distraction badly.

“Truth or dare?” I ask him, having no clue what I’ll think of.


His response is so simple, so easy going. I envy how he can go with the flow. My last ex wished I could do that, too.

“Um, have you been in the building before?” I ask, gesturing to the main entrance to the apartments. Way to go, Sam. Very smooth. Why am I so terrible around guys I like when I should be flirting?

He barks out a laugh.

“I didn’t know what question to expect, but it wasn’t that one,” he says. “Yes, I have. The last time was probably hauling some of Caleb’s things when he moved here.”

“So you don’t need a tour, then.”

“I’ll always take a tour from you.”

I’m definitely blushing. We’ve made it into the lobby and I go directly to the stairs with Tommy about half a step behind me, his boots clicking on the tile floor in the entryway.

Before I’m able to conjure up the potential flaws he’ll find once he enters my place, we reach my door. “This is it, home, sweet home.”

The handle makes a soft sound as it unlatches and I open the door. My entry light is still on, of course, and Tommy quietly follows me in and takes off his hat and boots before I have a chance to reach down and slip out of mine.

He smells so darn good. It’s a combination of cedar and a little garlic, which should smell terrible, but of course it doesn’t.

“It’s nice in here,” he says, looking around. “Pretty much as I pictured it.”

He’s pictured my apartment?

“What doesn’t quite live up to your expectations?” I ask.

Tommy looks at me with eyes that I swear could stop my heart. “Nothing about you hasn’t exceeded my expectations, Samantha Davies.”