“Ready for the show?” he asks.
“What is it?”
“You’ll see.”
“Count it down!” Declan calls out.
Together, we call back. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.” Fireworks explode into the sky.
Merrick, Declan, Sterling, Rushton, and Archer whoop and cheer as they light more. Maverick has Ada in his arms. She’s not sure about the noise, but he holds her close and points to the sky.
“See, Bug, so pretty,” he tells her.
I’m looking up at the sky when a firework explodes into a heart, and the next, an engagement ring. “What?” I whip my head around to look at Maverick. “How did you pull this off? It must have cost a fortune.”
“No. Ramsey and Jordyn were already planning this. I just hijacked with a few specialized fireworks that we added to the mix. It wasn’t that much, angel.”
I stare back up at the night sky in time to see a firework explode into an angel halo. Tears spring to my eyes, and I don’t fight them. I move to stand on the other side of Maverick so that I can curl into his chest.
I love this man.
I love the life we’re building.
Forever won’t be long enough.
Today is February fourteenth.
Today is also my wedding day.
Is it cliché to get married on the one day a year that was created to celebrate love? Maybe. Do I care? Not in the slightest. What I care about is the fact that Stella is going to be my wife.
“How you feeling, son?” Dad asks.
“Ready to get this show on the road,” I confess.
He nods and grins. He knew the answer before he asked. My dad has always had the ability to read each of us.
“I can still remember the day I married your mother. I was the same way. No nerves, just impatience. I knew she was the one for me.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “It’s right here.” I tap my chest. “I never understood the hype until I met Stel.” I chuckle.
“You wouldn’t,” he concurs. “It’s not something you believe in until you experience it.”
“And being a dad—best thing ever.”
Dad laughs. “Why do you think your mother and I did it so many times?”
“I don’t think I can talk Stel into eight more,” I tell him.
“One of you is bound to have twins. You and Merrick are the most likely candidates since you’re twins.”
“That would be awesome. I hope one of us, any of us, has a set of twins.”
“Yeah.” Dad nods thoughtfully. “That would be cool. Your mother would be thrilled.”
There’s a knock on the door, and Merrick enters. “What’s up?”
“Thanks for coming.” I reach down and pick up the two small, wrapped boxes. “Can you take these to Stel and Ada? Oh, and this.” I reach into the pocket of my jacket and pull out an envelope and hand it to him.
“Do I get to read it?” he asks. He’s joking, but I still give him an “are you fucking kidding me” look. He laughs. “I’m going to stick around while she at least opens these. It’s only fair since I helped pick them out.”
“I don’t care, as long as Stel is okay with it.” I wonder if I can have him record her reaction? Nah, I better not push my luck. No one wants to piss their wife off on their wedding day. Not that she would be mad, but still. I can imagine her face when she opens them, anyway. I don’t need a video to see tears in those big blue eyes.
“Oh, she will be. Your girls love me.”
“They loved me first,” I fire back as his laughter follows him out of the room.
“You know he’s just messing with you,” Dad tells me.
“I know. Just wait until his wedding day. I’m going to double the pain-in-the-ass efforts.”
Dad doesn’t reply. He’s used to our antics.
“I’m proud of you, son.”
“Thanks, Dad. I’m proud of myself too. She’s the best, and Ada, that little bug wormed her way into my heart instantly.”
My phone vibrates. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see a message from my group text with my brothers.
Orrin: Our baby bro is getting married.
Merrick: Hey! Technically, I’m the baby. He was born four minutes before me.
Brooks: Aw, Mer, you’re our baby brother too.
Rushton: You think Stella will notice if I cut the cake? Just a small piece.
Archer: I want cake.
Ryder: You know Mav splurged for steak for dinner, right?
Deacon: I expected nothing but over the top for Maverick.
Sterling: If anyone is getting cake, it’s me. My wife is due to give birth in a week. I need all the cake.
Ryder: Oh, yeah, mine is seven weeks away. I should be behind Sterling for cake.
Me: Fuck you, assholes. It’s my wedding day. Sterling and Archer, stay away from the cake, and Deacon, remember that when you’re sinking your teeth into a juicy rib eye after the ceremony.