She’s nodding before I’m finished with my speech that I’ve practiced over and over for the last several weeks. “Yes.” Tears rush down her cheeks.
“No cwy,” Ada says, her voice showing she’s starting to get upset.
I stand quickly, slide the ring on Stella’s finger, and kiss the hell out of her, wrapping my arms around both of them. The room erupts in cheers and Stella laughs.
“We did it, Bug. Mommy said yes.”’ I take our daughter from her mother and lift her into the air over my head. She giggles, and the sound fills my soul.
I get it now. I get how my brothers have altered their world for their wives and kids. This feeling, knowing they’re mine forever. It’s overwhelming and the most amazing rush I’ve ever felt in my life.
My family.
We’re swarmed by her grandparents and my side of the family for hugs, handshakes, and congratulations. My mom takes Ada and puts her sweater back on her. It’s perfectly warm in the room, but that’s what moms do. They worry and fuss. As a new dad, I’m learning that I do a lot of that too.
We spend another couple of hours with the family. When all the kids start to get tuckered out, we all start loading up to head home because Santa is coming tonight. Once we’re loaded up in the van, we head home, but not the home we left to come here. Our new home.
“Oh, are we driving by the new house?” Stella asks. She shimmies in her seat, and I can feel the excitement rolling off her in waves.
“Yeah.” It’s not a lie. We are driving by. We’re also stopping, but she’ll find that out soon enough.
Ten minutes later, we’re pulling into our new driveway. I hit the garage door opener on the van and pull inside.
“Are we going in?” Stella asks.
“Yeah, I thought we might as well check it out.”
“Eep!” She rushes to remove her seat belt and climbs out of the van.
I take my time and grab Ada, who fell asleep on the drive. “Go on in,” I tell Stella. I follow along behind her. When we get inside, I hit the lights, and she walks around the kitchen. I leave her there to move to the living room. I hit the switch for the gas fireplace, and the one next to it that turns on the outlet the Christmas tree is plugged into.
“What?” Stella turns to look where the lights are coming from.
The house is an open concept. The living room, kitchen, and dining room are one huge area, so there was definitely no hiding the lights. At least she hasn’t noticed the tree until now.
“Merry Christmas, angel.”
She peers around the room. She eyes the air mattress on the floor, covered with blankets. “When did you do this?”
“I had some help. My brothers helped me make it happen.”
“Maverick, this is perfect. Wait, are we staying here tonight?”
“Yeah, I thought we could have a little family campout by the light of the fire and the Christmas tree.”
“What about the gifts under the tree at home?” She worries her bottom lip.
As if the house is bugged, and he knows it’s his cue, headlights hit the living room window. “Like I said, I had some help.”
A few minutes later, Merrick knocks on the door. He’s got a huge box in his hand when he steps inside. “Ho, ho, ho,” he sings.
“Really? Merrick Kincaid, I love you.” Stella rushes to him and gives him a side hug before he has a chance to set the box of gifts down.
“Um, Stel, I think you have the wrong brother.” He grins down at her.
“Stop.” She laughs, swatting his arm playfully.
“That’s my twin, baby. In case you needed a reminder.” I lay Ada down on the air mattress. “I’m going to get another load.”
When I make it back inside the house, Merrick is unloading his box of gifts under the tree. I do the same, and my heart feels so full it might actually burst from the love overflowing inside me.
“Thank you, Mer.” I feel myself getting choked up just a little.
My twin pulls me into a hug. “Love you, Mav.” He steps away and taps his chest. He doesn’t need to say it for me to understand. He feels it. He can feel the love inside my heart for my family, not just Stella and Ada, but for my brothers, their wives, kids, and our parents. I’m so fucking lucky. It’s a scary twin thing that we don’t talk about much, but it’s there, and I can see it in his eyes. He feels it.
“Your day is coming, Mer.”
He nods. “I’m looking forward to it.” With that, he hugs Stella, bends and kisses Ada on the head as she’s sleeping, and leaves us to enjoy our first night and our first Christmas in our new home.