Then again, maybe he won’t.

He should really look into having a vasectomy if he’s so dead set against not having kids. It’s not like I planned to get pregnant. It was my first time. I was covered. At least, I thought we were. All I know is that it was meant to be for me to be her mother, and if I’m being honest, I think it was meant to be that Ada and I ended up in Willow River as well.

This is where we found our family. This is where we belong. Even before Maverick turned my world upside down with his confession of love, I knew Willow River was home for us.

Turning off the light in the bathroom, I make my way down the hall to find Maverick and Ada. We’re going to Orion’s third birthday party today at Kincaid Central. I’m nervous because, as far as I am aware, his family doesn’t know about us. Merrick moved out. He’s been busy unpacking his new place.

My grandparents know. It’s pretty obvious, considering I’ve spent every night here since the day he told me he loved me. Maverick was insistent his girls stay with him. I wasn’t strong enough to say no. We’ve not technically moved in yet; we just keep bringing more stuff over and spending the night.

“We need to tell Mommy it’s time to bring your bed home,” Maverick is telling Ada.

I stop in the hallway so that I can listen in on their one-sided conversation.

“You have your own room here. It was Uncle Merrick’s when he lived here, and now it’s yours. Well, until Mommy and I find a bigger place. We need to have room for your brothers and sisters.”

My smile is so big that I feel as though my face might crack. I love this man with everything inside me. I never knew love like this existed. It’s the kind of love I read about. A man who is not afraid to show or tell how much he loves his lady, and in my case, his lady and her daughter.

Ada will grow up knowing what it’s like to have two parents who love her to the ends of the earth, and that has tears burning in my eyes. I don’t have time to cry or for my face to get red and blotchy. We have a birthday party to get to.

Inhaling a big breath, I slowly exhale and step into the living room.

“Are we ready?” I ask in a cheery voice.

“We’re ready, right, Bug?” Maverick asks Ada. She’s sitting on the floor at his feet, where he sits on the couch, playing with a truck he insisted she needed when we went to the grocery store last night. I didn’t bother arguing with him. He probably would have just kissed me to shut me up—not that that’s a bad thing. Damn, I should have complained.

“Let me double-check the diaper bag.”

“Already done. We have extra diapers, wipes, toys, outfits, and a sippy cup full of milk. There are snacks in there, too, not that we’ll need either one of those. We keep Kincaid Central stocked for the adults and the kids.”

“Right. Okay. Oh, the gift.”

“Already out in the truck.”

“You’re pretty handy to have around, you know that?” I tease.

He stands and slides his arm around my waist, his lips finding mine. “Good. That means you’ll never leave me.”

“I would never, Mav.”

“I know.” He smirks and kisses me again.

“Da Da.” Ada stands and pulls at his jeans.

“Are you jealous, Bug?” he asks. “Come here.” He bends and lifts her over his head. Her giggles fill the room. “Daddy’s got lovin’ for you too.” He settles her on his hip and kisses her cheek. “Let’s get your coat on so we can go to a birthday party.”

Just from the tone of his voice, Ada knows something big is about to happen. She smiles and claps her hands.

“Two peas in a pod.” I smile and shake my head at their antics.

“You expected anything less?” Maverick grins.

“Come on, you two.” I slip into my jacket while Maverick wrestles Ada into hers and toss the diaper bag over my shoulder. I follow them out to the truck, making sure to lock the door behind me.

“Do they know?” I ask Maverick once we’re on the road.

“Does who know what?” he asks.

“Your family. Do they know about us? That we’re together?”

“Not officially. They all knew before I did.” He brings our joined hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

“So… today?”

He glances over quickly before putting his eyes back on the road. “Today is just like any other day. We’re going to my nephew's birthday party. I’ll walk in there with my girls at my side. My family will accept that.”

“I want them to be okay with this. With us. I work for Jordyn, and I love your family, every single one of them.”