“First of all, of course I’m excited to see my friend. I’m happy that she’s settling into Willow River, and I love that she’s making friends. As far as her daughter, she’s the cutest kid. Bug and I are tight. She’s my friend, too, just ask her.” I chuckle. “And last weekend, of course I freaked out. She was home alone. We were all away, as were her grandparents. Anyone who could have helped her was out of town. She was supposed to text and didn’t. I would worry the same way if it were one of our brothers' wives, or hell, you or one of our brothers. That’s what you do for family.”
“You’re insistent that she’s your family.”
“Friends can be family, Merrick. You don’t have to have the same blood flowing through your veins.”
“I agree with you, but this goes beyond that. You’re wasting time pretending like she’s not the one, Maverick.”
“I’m not pretending anything.”
“Okay.” He raises his hands to ward off my defense. “I’m just trying to help you out. One of these days, it might be too late. I don’t want to see that happen to you.”
“It’s all good, Mer.”
He nods. “All right. I’m going to take this trailer back to Orrin’s shop.”
“I’m going to head on home. I need a shower.”
“Yeah, I’m going to stop and grab some essentials from the store. I can’t live here without food.”
“It’s going to be weird, knowing your room is empty, and that you’ll never be sleeping there again.”
“You can stay here tonight,” he offers.
“Nah, this is your new pad. Enjoy it. It’s a great place, man. I’ve been looking too,” I confess.
“Yeah? Find anything?”
“No, but I’m not in a rush, but like you, I think it’s time.”
“It’s gotten old, right? The constantly going out and chasing women?”
“Yeah, it really has. I guess our brothers were right. They said we’d grow out of it.”
“Let’s not go crazy. If we start telling them they were right, we’re never going to hear the end of it.” He laughs.
“Bet.” I nod. “Bring it in, brother.” I pull him into a hug, slapping his back. “Proud of you, man.”
“Thanks, Mav.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handful of keys. “You get yours first. You’re always welcome here. No matter what.”
“Love harder.” I recite half our family motto. We all have keys to each other’s places with an open invitation. Even after my brothers were married, their wives were on board with this. Sure, we knock if we think there might be a chance for funny business, but regardless, we know we are always welcome.
Shoving the key into my pocket with a mental note to add it to the keyring in my nightstand that has the keys to my other brothers’ houses, I head back toward home. Thankfully, the rain has stopped. It’s still a dreary day, and the chances for rain to start again are high, but at the moment, it’s just cloudy skies.
As I’m driving through town, I spot Stella’s car sitting outside Dorothy’s Diner. I forgot she told me she was off work at noon today. She must be getting a late lunch. I find a parking spot down the street, maneuver my truck into it, and head inside to see if she wants some company.
As I’m passing by the window and heading toward the door, I see Stella sitting at a table in the back. I freeze because she’s not alone. There’s a man, probably around my age, sitting across from her. He reaches across the table and places his hand over hers.
My heart stalls before it begins to beat to the tune of a jackhammer in my chest.
Why is he touching her?
My feet are frozen to the floor. My eyes are locked on the two of them, three of them. Ada is there as well. She’s in Stella’s arms, holding onto her momma. She doesn’t like this man, or maybe it’s just that she doesn’t know him.
How does Stella know him?
My mind is racing with questions, while my heart feels as if it could explode. I don’t understand what’s happening inside my body. Seeing her with someone else… it’s not sitting well with me. She’s sitting across from a man I don’t know. He’s familiar with her. I can tell from their body language. The only one who’s not sure is Ada.
Stella hands Ada to the man over the table, but he shakes his head. Refusing to take her. Ada reaches for Stella, clearly not on board with this man holding her.
My hands ball into fists at my sides.
That’s my family.
My chest heaves with each breath I pull into my lungs. My lungs are burning. It physically hurts to breathe, watching the scene before me unfold. The guy reaches for something on the seat next to him. He hands Stella an envelope. They exchange a few words, and Stella shakes her head. I can see the anguish on her face. I don’t give a fuck who this guy is to her. He’s hurting her. He’s hurting my girls.