It’s going to be hard to sit on this couch and not think about this moment with her.
We don’t bring women here. This is our safe place. Where our family is always welcome. I’m breaking a lot of my own rules for her, to give her what she needs, but I have no regrets.
Her pussy squeezes my fingers like a vise, and I know she’s close. “Come for me, Stel. I want my hand dripping with you. Take what you need, and come for me.”
“Maverick!” she calls out as her body shakes. She falls into me, resting her head on my shoulder, and I work her over until she goes still.
When I pull my hand away, she groans in protest. A few seconds later, she lifts her head and smiles shyly. I bring my hand to my mouth and lick my fingers clean. Her eyes widen as if she can’t fathom me wanting to taste her.
“You want a taste?” I offer her my fingers. I expect her to say no, but she shocks me when she leans in and takes both digits into her mouth. She does this thing with her tongue, where she’s tracing my fingers in her mouth, and I can feel cum leaking from the end of my cock.
It’s time to shut this down.
“You go get cleaned up first. You can grab a T-shirt out of my room to sleep in. The dresser is by the window. Second drawer down.”
She nods and slowly climbs off my lap. When she bends down to pick up her clothes, I second-guess my decision to send her to bed alone, but I know it’s the right choice.
“Thank you, Maverick.”
“Stop thanking me, Stella. If you think for one minute that tonight wasn’t as much for me as it was for you, we’ve got some talking to do.”
She nods and rushes off down the hall.
I wait until I hear the bathroom door close, then pull my cock out and fist it. It’s not going to take much to take me there. I’m stroking myself when I hear the door open. I should stop, but I don’t give a fuck if she finds me. Luckily, a few seconds later, I hear my bedroom door close. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and replay what just happened in my mind. When the memory of her calling out for me presents itself, I make a mess of my hand and my chest.
I’m breathing heavily, and even though I should be sated, I’m not. I still want her. That’s a problem. Stella and I are friends. I let things get carried away, something I won’t do again. That’s not what this was about, so I shove those feelings down deep and stand to strip out of my shorts; I clean up and make my way to the shower.
Tonight definitely took a turn in events that I wasn’t expecting, and I know no matter what happens in the light of day, I won’t regret it. I also know I won’t let her push me away. Stella will continue to be a part of my life. I’ll make sure of it.
He told me not to run, and that’s exactly what I did. Ada woke up early, just as she always does. I quickly changed her diaper, filled her sippy cup with milk from the fridge, gathered our things and rushed out of the house, quiet as a mouse. The entire time, I was certain that Maverick would wake up. That he would catch me rushing from his house with my face red and my tail between my legs.
It’s been an entire week, and I still feel embarrassed. I begged him to let me come.
Begged him.
I don’t regret it. How can I when it was the hottest night of my life? With only one sexual experience to compare it to, I know I don’t have much to go off, but I can say with certainty that Maverick knows what he’s doing.
“Earth to Stella.” Jordyn waves her hand in front of my face.
“Sorry,” I mutter.
“Where were you just now?”
“Lost in thought.” I shrug, hoping that she buys my excuse.
“Care to share with the class?” she asks.
Jordyn grins and points at my face. “What’s that about?” She waves her finger around.
“What’s what about?”
“The blush. Girl, you better spill.”
“Nothing to spill.”
“Fine. I’ll start, and you can fill in the blanks.”
“It’s nothing. I’m just distracted.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” She claps her hands together in glee, and I know before I leave today, Jordyn Kincaid is going to know my secret. She’s going to know what I begged her brother-in-law to do to me.
“Okay, so here’s my theory. We dropped you off at Maverick’s place on Saturday night. He was sound asleep holding your baby girl to his chest, protecting her as they both slept as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him.”