“I should get home,” Stella speaks up.

“Nope. You’re letting me feed you for all of your help today. It was your day off.”

“I wasn’t much help with Ada being here.”

“You were a tremendous help. Besides, you still haven’t given me an answer about tomorrow.”

“I did.” Stella sighs. “I told you that I can’t go. My grandparents are out of town, and I don’t have anyone to watch Ada.”

“What’s going on tomorrow night?” I ask, inserting myself into the conversation.

“Girls’ night. We’re all going to the Willow Tavern, and I’ve been trying to convince Stella to go with us.”

“You should go,” I tell Stella, leaning my shoulder into hers.

“No sitter.” She shrugs.

“I’ll watch her.”

“What?” She whips her head around to look at me.

“Ada loves me. I can watch her.”

“That’s—no. I can’t ask you to do that.”

“I thought I just heard him volunteer.” Jordyn grins.

“I’ll even go over to his place to help,” Ryder offers. “We’ve watched our nieces and nephews lots of times. Besides”—he slides his hand over Jordyn’s still flat belly—“I need all the practice I can get.”

“I don’t need the help, but if it makes you feel better, sure.” I shrug. “Ryder can help me.”

“Maverick,” she sighs my name.

“Stel….” I drag out the word with a smile. “Go have a good time. You deserve it. You know Ada loves me, and she’ll be fine. You can call and check on her whenever you want, however many times you want.”

She opens her mouth to, I’m sure, turn down my offer, but Ryder speaking up stops her. “I promise you that your baby girl will be in good hands,” he assures her. “I can’t imagine how hard it is raising her on your own. Declan was a single dad to Blakely before Kennedy came along. He had eight brothers, our cousin Ramsey, and our parents to rally around him. You can’t do it all, Stella. You know, they say it takes a village.” He smiles kindly, and I turn to her.

I watch her closely, and I can see the minute she gives in. Her shoulders fall as if she has no more fight in her.

“Okay,” she agrees.

“Yes!” Jordyn whisper-shouts. “I’m so excited. Now, what does everyone want to eat?”

Stella reluctantly gives Jordyn her order, and they say ten minutes.

“I’ll be back. Do we need anything else?” I ask them.

“No. I have drinks in the break room.”

“Got it. I’ll be back.”

I rush out to my truck and head across town to the Mexican restaurant. The food is ready as soon as I get there, and as I’m climbing into my truck, I see the diner across the street. Changing course, I cross the street with our bag of Mexican food in hand and walk up to the counter. I order Ada some mashed potatoes and gravy. I’m not sure she eats Mexican, but I know she loves her mashed potatoes.

“Can I have a large glass of milk as well?” I ask. I’m sure Stella has that covered, but maybe she’s stayed longer than she intended. If she’s got milk, she can just put it in the fridge and take it home with her for later.

Bags in hand, I step up to the door of the boutique, and Ryder is there, pushing it open for me. “Damn, that smells good.” He pulls the door shut and makes sure it’s locked back up since it’s after hours.

“Right? My stomach has been growling since I stepped into the restaurant to pick it up.”

He leads the way back to the break room, and I place the bags and the cup on the small table.

“That’s a Dorothy’s cup.” Jordyn points at it. “Don’t tell me you stopped to get one of her sweet teas and didn’t bring one for the rest of us.”

“No, and even if I did, you said you didn’t need anything else.”

“But I didn’t know sweet tea from Dorothy’s Diner was on the table,” she says with a pout.

“It’s a Dorothy’s cup, but it’s not sweet tea. I got Ada some mashed potatoes. I wasn’t sure about her eating our Mexican, and I grabbed a glass of milk in case she was almost out. I know you all have been at it all day.” A choking sound has me turning to look at Stella. She has her hand over her mouth, and her eyes are wet with emotion.

“Maverick Kincaid? How are you real?” she murmurs.

Jordyn moves to stand beside her, placing her arm around her shoulders. “It’s not just him. They’re all like that. Raymond and Carol raised nine amazing men.”

“It wasn’t a big deal,” I tell them. I feel as though I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Having to defend my actions. It’s not my fault Ada is too damn cute for her own good, and I want her little belly to be full.