“Nah, we’re easy to remember. You’ll get the hang of it. Especially working with Jordyn. You’ll have the family tree memorized in no time.”
“Maybe.” We finish eating, talking about anything and everything. I tell him more about Ada’s dad, and he tells me stories of him and his brothers. It’s the best night I’ve had in longer than I can remember.
When he pulls back into the driveway a couple of hours later, I tell him so. “This night has been wonderful, Maverick. Thank you for dinner, the outfit, the photos, and the company.” I can feel my face flush. I’m glad the car is dark.
“It was my pleasure. I’ll grab Ada.”
“I can get her.”
“I know you can, but you can also let me help.”
I don’t argue. Instead, I pick up the diaper bag and rush to open the door for him.
“Where do you want her?”
“Just in the Pack ’N Play. I need to change her and put her jammies on her.”
“I hope her sleep schedule isn’t thrown off too much.”
“It was worth it.” The admission comes freely, and I find I don’t want to take it back. It was worth it. I wish I could have a thousand, no, a million more nights just like this one. I know he has to go. This wasn’t a date, and we’re in my grandparents’ house, but I almost ask him to stay anyway.
“I’ll see you girls soon.” He leans in and kisses my cheek, and then he’s gone.
The house is quiet, so I assume my grandparents are already in bed. I’m thankful for the chance to soundlessly get Ada ready for bed and get lost in my thoughts.
Thoughts of Maverick.
Today was long and hot, but it’s over and is finally the weekend. We worked twelve-hour days all week to be able to take the weekend off. I’m sitting in my truck with the air conditioning on full blast when my phone rings. I hit the button on the dash to answer. “Yo,” I greet Ryder.
“What’s going on?”
“Just getting off work.”
“Yeah? Can I ask a big favor?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I’m at the boutique, and Jordyn needs some shelving moved around the stockroom.”
“I take it I’m your last resort?” I laugh. My brothers know I work long, crazy hours in the summer, so that’s usually the case.
“No, actually, you were my first choice.”
“Aw, you love me.”
“I thought I might need a bargaining chip because you’re probably drained after working in this heat all week.”
“Nah, you know I don’t mind helping out.” I pause. “But out of curiosity, what’s your bargaining chip?” It’s probably dinner. My stomach grumbles just at the mere thought of food.
I sit up straighter in my seat. “What about Stella?”
“She’s here. Helping Jordyn after hours.”
“Got it.” I pull my seat belt on and back out of the parking spot.
“Drive safe, little brother.” He’s laughing as he ends the call.
I don’t even have it in me to be pissed off about it. It’s been two weeks since I took Stella out for her celebration dinner. We’ve texted a few times, but I haven’t seen her since that night.
Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up outside the boutique. I grab my phone and keys and make my way to the door. It’s locked, so I have to knock. Jordyn comes rushing over and smiles at me in greeting.
“Hey, Mav. Thanks for coming. My husband won’t let us help.” She rolls her big brown eyes.
“You know I don’t mind.” She leans in for a hug, but I hold my hands up to stop her. “I’m a mess from working, J. I probably smell like ass,” I joke.
“I’ll take my chances.” My sister-in-law wraps her arms around me in a brief hug. She steps back and smiles up at me. “Ry’s in the back.” She starts walking, and I follow her. My eyes scan the room, looking for Stella. I assume she’s in the stockroom with Ryder.
Sure enough, as we get closer, I hear the laughter of a baby, and I quicken my step. Stepping into the room, I see Stella holding Ada, and Ryder playing peek-a-boo with her. “Ada girl,” I say, and she turns toward my voice. When she sees me, she grins and reaches her arms out.
I walk to them and take her into my arms. “I’m dirty,” I tell her.
“It’s fine,” Stella tells me. “When we get home, she’ll be in dire need of a bath. She looks like she’s been rolling around with pigs. She’s had a long, tiring day.” A soft smile graces her lips as she watches her daughter in my arms.
“You got to come to work with Mommy, huh?” I ask Ada. She places her hands on my cheeks and grins. On instinct, I kiss her nose, making her giggle.
“Yeah, my grandparents are out of town until Sunday. They’re going with some friends to a winery and Airbnb.”