“Not a bad idea,” Deacon, Ramsey’s husband, chimes in. “You're better off putting your money into something you own, than blowing it on rent.”
“Agreed. If you all see anything, let me know.”
Everyone agrees, and the heavy moment that Merrick anticipated doesn’t exist.
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Blakely whines. She comes over to sit on Declan’s lap.
“We’re going to eat soon,” he tells her. “You should have eaten all of your lunch.”
“I was full of Mommy’s crusty-ass pancakes.”
“Blakely!” Kennedy scolds.
“What? That’s what they were.”
“Blake,” Declan says in warning.
“Daddy, I read the box.”
Kennedy stills then bursts into laughter. “Oh, my—Blake—” She’s laughing so hard she can’t even form a sentence.
“Care to share with the class, babe?” Declan asks.
She’s wiping tears from her eyes as the rest of us try our hardest not to laugh at what Blakely said. She grabs her phone from the table and pulls up a picture, showing it to Declan, and he starts laughing too.
“Blake, sweetheart. The pancakes that Mommy made were Krusteaz.”
“Let me see.” She pulls the phone from her dad’s hand. “Daddy, that says crusty ass. Are you sure you went to school?”
Sterling grabs the phone and checks the screen before he, too, is rolling with laughter. Kennedy is still snickering as her phone is passed around to all of us. “Gotta give it to ya, kid. You never fail to disappoint,” Sterling says as the phone makes its way back to him. He takes another look at the screen, grinning from ear to ear before passing it back to Kennedy.
“I guess we better get the food ready,” Alyssa says with a huff of laughter.
“What can I do to help?” I ask.
“We just need to set out the cold stuff. All the Crock-Pots are already plugged in.” Palmer explains.
“I’ll help.” I stand and make eye contact with Maverick. “I can put her down.”
“Nah, we’re all set, Stel.” He gives me a lazy smile that has heat pooling between my thighs. I nod and follow Palmer and the rest of the ladies to the kitchen area of the basement.
“I saw that look he gave you,” Jordyn says, leaning her shoulder into mine.
I huff out a breath. “You’re seeing things that aren’t there.”
“We can see the way you look at him too,” Ramsey says gently. “You should go for it.”
“He’s made it clear we’re just friends, and I’m okay with that. I respect his choices.”
“But if he were to change his mind?”
My face heats, and they all laugh.
“No words needed.” Crosby grins. “Nothing to be shy about. If anyone knows the power of these Kincaid men, it’s us.”
“She’s not wrong,” Jade chimes in. “We all fell pretty hard. They make it hard not to.”
“There’s nothing going on.”
“But something has happened. It’s written all over your face.” Crosby winks.
“Fine. We might have kissed and done some… other things, but it was a onetime thing. I offered more. He turned me down. End of story.”
“Stella, come on, you were drinking.”
“I think you should try again,” Scarlett tells me.
“Oh, yeah,” they all agree.
“What’s going on over there?” Orrin calls over.
“Nothing, dear,” Jade calls back, and we all laugh, not even trying to hide it.
“Come and eat!” Ramsey calls out to the rowdy crew.
“I’m going to go grab Ada so Maverick can eat,” I tell the ladies.
“Stay. He’ll bring her here, and I doubt he’s going to let you eat after him.” Alyssa gives me a pointed look, challenging me.
“He’s not going to care.”
I feel a hand on the small of my back. “Go ahead and make yourself a plate. I’ve got Bug.”
“Uh, no, that’s okay. I can take her.” I reach for her, and he turns sideways.
I’m shocked, frozen still when he reaches up with the hand that’s not holding my daughter and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Take care of you for once, Stel. I got our girl.”
My heart stops.
Our girl.
Oh, how I wish on everything I can think to wish on that was the case. I wish Maverick were her father. He never would have abandoned us. Even if he and I never became more, he would still be there for his daughter and me by association. He’s given me that support when it’s not his responsibility. That’s just the kind of man he is.
Doing as he says, not wanting to make a scene or draw attention to us, I make a plate for both of us. I take a seat next to him and slide him the plate I made for him. He leans over and kisses my cheek. “Thanks, Stel.” He scarfs down his food, holding my slumbering daughter, without issue.
“Did you chew?” I ask him.
Merrick chuckles from across the room. “We all eat fast, Stel. It’s our superpower.”
“Sheesh.” I take my last bite and stand and gather our plates. I take Merrick’s, Sterling’s, and Alyssa’s with me as well. “Anyone need anything from the kitchen?”