“Bug?” I hear. Ada and I both turn to watch as Maverick approaches. Ada cries. Her bottom lip wobbles as she reaches for him. Maverick takes her easily and holds her against his chest. She snuggles up to him like she always does. “What’s going on?” he asks, rubbing her back.

“She’s not impressed that I’m not you. Smart kid.” Merrick nods.

“She was mad before we left the house. I had to take her ladybug to strap her into her seat. She’d just gotten calmed down when I had to take it again to get her out. Merrick offered to help, and she reached for him. She was instantly pissed, and now, here we are.” I motion to where she’s in his arms, tears on her cheeks, but she’s quietly cuddling with her ladybug.

“Mommy was right, Bug,” he tells her as if she understands, and maybe she does. “And look, you have your ladybug back.”

She sniffs, and my heart breaks. Stepping toward them, I wipe her tears. “I’m sorry, baby, but I had to.” I know I shouldn’t be apologizing. I’m not supposed to be her friend. I’m her mother, but maybe Maverick has the right idea, and she really does understand.

“Back to my original question. You need some help?” Merrick asks.

“Um, yeah, sure. Wait… I thought this was a playdate?”

“It is. For all of us. The kids, the moms, and the dads, well, that includes Mav and me, because where one brother goes, we all go,” Merrick explains.

“Oh. I thought it would just be the ladies and the kids.”

“Nah, we like to help. Give you ladies time to chat, and the same for us. Think of it as a shared playdate time.” Merrick laughs.

I can’t help but laugh with him. “Makes sense. Okay, um, some food. I can get the rest.” Reaching into my car, I grab the container of cheesecake bites. Here, I thought I made too many. The cookies are in a grocery store bag, and I hand them both to Merrick. “Thank you.”

He winks. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you three inside.” He grabs Ada’s foot and she grins. Her earlier mood forgotten.

“Hey, Stel.” Maverick bends and presses his lips to my forehead.

“Hi. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

He slides his arm around my waist and pulls me close. “I knew my girls were going to be here.”

His words, they make my heart gallop. Oh, how I wish we were his. I offer him a smile, one that I hope hides that I want him. I have to get over this thing I have for my friend. It can only end with my heart broken, and I’ve had enough heartbreak.

“We should head inside.” I step out of his hold, instantly missing the heat of our bodies pressed together. It’s on the tip of my tongue to offer to take her, but we both know he won’t let me. Hell, at this point, at this moment, I don’t think she would let me either.

Grabbing the overstuffed diaper bag, I close the door and follow Maverick into the house.

The playdate that I thought would be a girls’ night in turned into everyone in the basement hanging out. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. All the men, the wives, and the kids. We’re all down here, and it’s loud and happy, and I’m loving every minute of it.

“I’ve been looking at property,” Merrick announces.

“What?” Maverick seems shocked.

“Yeah, it’s not on the market yet. You know Brad Mayfield, right?” he asks the room. Most everyone nods. “Well, his wife got transferred to Nashville for her job. They can’t afford to buy there until they unload here. He’s offering it to me for a steal.”

“Damn, bro, talk about pulling up the big boy pants.” Maverick leans over from where he’s sitting and offers Merrick his fist.

Merrick smiles. It’s a shy smile, one I’ve not seen on him before. “I’m excited. I’m going to the bank on Monday. Brad called me on the way here to tell me it’s mine for that price if I want it.”

“You need help?” Ramsey and Jordyn ask at the same time. Everyone in the room laughs but me. I know they both came into some money—apparently, more than I assumed, but it’s not my place to ask.

“Thank you both, but I got it. I have good savings, and the house is really a steal. It’s three acres, three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms.”

“You let me know if that changes,” Ramsey tells him.

“And me,” Jordyn adds. “We got you.”

“I know you do,” Merrick says softly. “I can handle the money and the finances. I was more worried about Mav.”

“Me?” Maverick asks.

“Yeah, I’m leaving you on your own.”

Maverick laughs. “Mer, come on, man. We both knew it was temporary. One day, we’re both going to have one of these—” He points to Palmer and then nods to Ada, who is sleeping on his chest. “—and one of these. I’m stoked for you. Maybe it’s time I start looking as well. Move out of the rental.”