“Stella, sweetheart, playdates are just as much for the moms as the kids. The ladies want to get together and chat while the kids play. They invited you because they want you there. Just relax.”

It’s hard to relax when it’s the family of the man you’ve fallen for. The same man who likes to give forehead kisses and has placed me in the friend zone. Firmly in the friend zone. I want them to like me. I know that my crush on Maverick is on me, but still, his family is great, and I want Ada to be a part of that any way that she can be. They’re amazing people. I want her to see that’s how life can be.

If I’m being honest, I want that for me as well. I’m seeing how the other side lives. The side that likes to joke and laugh, and not take themselves too seriously. I’m seeing how family shows up for each other, and it’s endearing, and I can admit that I yearn for that for me and for my baby girl.

“I know,” I finally admit.

“Go and enjoy yourself. You have too much on your shoulders. Live a little. Yes, you’re a mother, but mothers can be happy too. When you’re happy, she’s happy.” She nods toward Ada.

“I just… don’t want them to be right. They said I would never amount to anything, and neither would she,” I confess.

My grandma's face grows red. “You listen to me, Stella. Your parents, they don’t have a loving gene in their body. Your mother, she hated this small town and always claimed she was worth more. This town and the people in it, they would do anything for their neighbors. Everyone knows everyone, and it feels safe and secure.”

“I love it here,” I tell her. “I wish I could have visited more growing up.”

“Me too, sweetheart, but my girls are here now. That’s what matters. Live your life for you and that little girl. Push everything they’ve ever said out of your mind. You’re an adult, a damn good mother, and you have a good head on your shoulders.”

“They told me I would hate this place. That I would never want to stay.”

Grandma scoffs. “Their noses are too far up their asses to see what’s right in front of them. Willow River has embraced you and Ada. This is your home now. I know they told you not to, but stay anyway. Prove to them that you can make it on your own.”

“But I’m not on my own. I’m mooching off you and Gramps.”

She waves her hand in the air while rolling her eyes. “You’re our family, and you’re getting back on your feet. You have a great job and friends, and that little girl is thriving. You are making it, Stella. I see good things for you here in Willow River.”

“Thank you. You and Gramps. You saved us. We didn’t have anywhere to go.” I think about Derrick and how he hasn’t reached out even once since the day he stood us up. The day my car broke down, and we met Maverick.

“That’s what we do. Now, you two go and enjoy yourselves. If you forgot something, I’m sure one of the ladies has it, or you can come home to get it or pick it up in town. Don’t stress. This is your home now.”

“I love that,” I say, tears burning the back of my eyes.

“Love you, sweetheart.” She kisses my cheek, does the same to Ada, and walks out the door.

“Okay, toots, let’s get this loaded in the car.” It takes me three trips. One for the food, one for the overstuffed bag, and then another to make sure we didn’t miss anything. I took Ada with me each trip. I could have asked Grams to watch her for me, but it’s my job. I’m her mother. I can do this.

I place Ada in her seat, and she cries as I pull her ladybug out of her hands to strap her seat belt. “I’ll give it right back.” I try to soothe her. She’s, of course, pissed, so I hope that she settles once we get on the road.

Ten minutes later, I’m pulling into Brooks and Palmer’s driveway. It’s full of vehicles. Taking a deep breath, I climb out of the car and have to take the ladybug from Ada again to get her out, and she’s not impressed.

I bounce her in my arms, giving her the beloved toy back, but she’s still unhappy. “Come on, sweetie. It’s okay. I’m sorry, but we had to get you out of your seat.”

“Need some help?” a male voice asks.

I turn to see Merrick. Ada lifts her head, looks at him, and reaches for him. “I’m sorry. She thinks you’re Maverick.”

“Close enough.” He takes her from my arms. She looks at him and starts to wail with tears. “Hey, cutie, don’t cry. What do you have here?” he asks her, but she’s not having any of it.