“That’s not new information,” I remind her.

“No,” she agrees. “It’s not. However, I think something happened after we left you there.”

“Yes. I went to sleep. Woke up way too early when Ada woke and headed home.”

“And in between…. That’s the part I need you to fill in for me. I know that it’s something.” She pauses, reaches over, and places her hand on mine. “You can talk to me, Stella. Yes, he’s my family, but we’re friends and coworkers. I’m not just your boss.”

“I know.” I sigh, defeated. I need to talk to someone about this. I can’t stop thinking about Maverick, and the fact that he’s my friend. He said so himself. I shouldn’t want my friend to do wicked things to me. It’s wrong, and I hate that I can’t shake this. That I can’t shake him.

He’s called a few times this week. He was mad that I left without saying goodbye, but I told him I needed to get home to do laundry and needed to run to get diapers and essentials for the week. He bought it, or at least he let me believe that he bought it.

We’ve texted off and on. You know, just like friends are supposed to. He’s sweet and always asks about Ada, but just as he promised, he hasn’t mentioned our night together on his couch. I don’t know if he’s keeping a promise or if he really is that detached. Did that night mean nothing to him?

And that brings me to my next problem. I can’t separate what happened from the man. He’s gone above and beyond since the moment I met him to help me out. He went out of his way to give me what I asked for on Saturday night, but now, he seems like it's nothing to him. Like I’m just a friend. He warned me, and I was so worked up that I thought it was just words. I know it’s how things need to be. I’m a single mom. Maverick doesn’t need that kind of baggage in his life.

“Stella?” Jordyn prompts.

“We… did things.” Why do I feel like a teenager recalling my first sexual experience? I guess because it’s not far off. Doesn’t matter that I’m an adult and a mother. It doesn’t change my sexual history.

She grins. I roll my eyes at her, and she schools her features, standing to her full height from where she’s been leaning against the counter where we were unboxing jewelry to put into the display case. “Tell me more,” she says, biting her cheek to hide her smile.

“I went to bed. I tried to fall asleep and couldn’t. I felt bad he was taking care of Ada, so I moved to the couch in the living room. I thought I could be close in case she woke up and not disturb him.”


“I couldn’t sleep there either. Instead, I curled up under the blanket and stared at the two of them. His big hand never moved from her back, holding her. Protecting her.” I don’t even need to close my eyes to draw up the image in my mind. It will be there, living rent free forever.

“Okay. Then what happened? I don’t like cliffhangers,” she mutters, making me smile.

“Ada stirred, and he woke up.”


I blurt it all out. Every last desperate plea that fell from my lips, I divulge to my new friend, my boss, his sister-in-law about the man we’re discussing. “So, yeah, I’m a little distracted,” I mumble after spilling the details.

“He’s into you.”

“What? No, he’s not. He felt bad for me. He stopped us. He wouldn’t even sleep with me. I’m a charity case to that man. I have been since the moment we met. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate every single thing he’s done for Ada and me, but that’s all we are to him. A charity case, friends at best.”

“That’s not true. Friends, yes, he even told you that himself. He doesn’t see you as a charity case. It’s not who he is.”

I cover my face with my hands. “Fine, but still, I begged him, Jordyn. I threw myself at him. How can I ever face him again?”

“Easy, you just do.”

Before I can respond with my rebuttal, the chime over the door alerts us to a customer. My breath hitches when I see him walking toward us. I’m holding my breath until he leans in for a hug.

“Hey, Stel.” He hugs me before moving to do the same to Jordyn.

“Merrick,” I breathe.

He whips his head toward me. “How did you know? I thought for sure I could convince you I was Mav.”

I shrug. “I just knew.”

“What’s up?” Jordyn asks him, taking the heat off me.

“Ryder mentioned you had some shelves that need to be put together. We finished up a job and aren’t starting another until Monday, so I’m off early. Thought I’d stop by and get a start on them.”