When we reach the house, the lights are low. Orrin, Jade, Jordyn, and I make our way to the door. I get there first, so I knock softly.
“Just go on in,” Orrin tells me.
“I can’t do that.”
“Sure you can. Mav doesn’t care. Besides, he has your baby girl in there.” Jordyn turns the handle and pushes open the door.
Orrin motions for me to follow her, so I do. I don’t look back when I hear the soft click of the door closing behind him. I know that Orrin and Jade are right behind us. I follow Jordyn into the living room and stop frozen. Ryder is asleep on the couch, a remote in his hand. Then there’s Maverick. He’s in the recliner; it’s reclined back. His eyes are closed, his breaths deep and even, matching my daughter's, who is asleep on his chest. His big hand is resting against her back as if he needs to protect her.
Tears spring to my eyes.
I hear commotion beside me and turn to see Jordyn with her cell phone pointed at them, taking a picture. “What are you doing?” I ask her quietly.
“You’re going to want to remember this.”
I don’t argue with her. She’s right. I do want to remember this moment. However, what Jordyn doesn’t realize is that the image before me will forever be ingrained in my mind. How could I ever forget this kind, loving man, treating my daughter as if she’s special to him?
Jordyn slides her phone back into her pocket and practically skips over to Ryder. She touches his hand, and his eyes flutter open.
“I missed you,” he tells her.
I place my hand over my chest to ward off the ache that’s forming there. What I wouldn’t give for a man to love me like that.
“Take me home, husband.”
“You got it.”
They say their goodbyes and head out the door. “I hate to wake them,” I tell Jade and Orrin.
“Then don’t. Merrick is staying with us. Just take his room or take Maverick’s, and he can take Merrick’s.”
“I can’t just spend the night,” I say too loudly.
“You can, Stel,” Maverick’s groggy voice greets me. “She’s peaceful, and I’m too damn comfortable to move.”
“Come on.” Orrin places his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll show you to Maverick’s room. He can take Merrick’s if he decides to come to bed.”
“I can take her,” I tell Maverick.
“Nah. We’re comfortable. If she wakes, I’ll bring her in to you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Stella, go to bed. I’ll be right here.” He closes his eyes, ending the discussion.
My eyes find Jade’s. “This is crazy.”
“No, it’s not. It’s late, and it makes sense she’s sleeping, so it’s good not to move her. Just get some sleep. You can leave in the morning. Come on, I’ll take you.” She gives her husband a soft smile letting him know she’s taking over.
I nod. Truth be told, I like the idea of being here with him. I’m sure if I was completely sober, I’d argue, but then again, I’d be sober enough to drive myself. I guess at least this way, I won’t have to worry about Orrin and Jade going out of their way to take me back to my grandparents’ place. Besides, it’s not like my grandparents are there to worry about why I didn’t come home.
Jade takes me to Maverick’s room and promises to call me tomorrow. I kick off my shoes and slide beneath the covers that smell like him.
Ada squirms and my eyes snap open. I run my hand up and down her back to soothe her. The room is dimly lit by a small lamp in the corner of the room.
“I can take her,” a sweet voice whispers.
I look over at the couch to see Stella curled under a blanket, watching us. “I thought you went to bed?”
She nods. “I did, but I couldn’t sleep.” Slowly, she slides out from beneath the blanket and stands, making her way toward me. “I’ll put her down.”
I don’t argue with her because I have to piss, and my little bug throws off the heat. My shirt is soaked in sweat. I move my arms to the sides and allow her to lift Ada from my chest. She snuggles her baby girl and moves down the hall to my room, where the Pack ’N Play is. Stiffly, I climb out of the chair and head toward the bathroom.
After taking care of business, I strip off my damp shirt and toss it into the hamper before making my way to the kitchen. I pull three bottles of water from the fridge. One for her, and the other two are for me. I down the first one and toss the bottle into the recycling bin before taking a long pull from the second.
“Thirsty?” Stella asks.
“Yeah.” I slide the other bottle over to her.