They both ignore me. “They’re all like this? All nine of them?” Stella asks, shocked.
“Pretty much. You could ask any of my sisters-in-law, and they will agree with me.”
“Maverick and Merrick aren’t married.” Ryder smirks.
Jordyn shrugs. “Stella can speak for him.”
I grin because Stella is beautiful, and if a woman has to speak on my behalf, I could do worse. So. Much. Worse.
“Let’s eat.” I pass out everyone’s food, leaving Ada’s in the bag for now. I scarf mine down, as does Ryder.
“Did you two even chew?” Jordyn asks with a laugh.
“I’m a growing boy.”
“Boy?” Stella scoffs.
“What?” I turn to her, flashing her the grin my momma says could get me out of anything. My brothers, they say it drops panties. I will neither confirm nor deny if the latter is true.
“Nothing.” She shakes her head and takes another bite of her burrito.
Gathering my trash, I stand to toss it away as Ada’s cries sound over the baby monitor. “I’m up. I’ll go get her. Finish eating.”
“I can—” she starts, but I’m already out of the room, headed toward Ada.
“Hey, sweetheart.” I move to lift her up. She has big tears on her cheeks, and she shudders a breath. “It’s scary waking up in a new place, huh?” I ask her. I wipe her tears with my thumbs, and she rests her head on my shoulder. “You’re a little snuggle bug, aren’t you?” I rub her back, soothing her until her whimpers quiet down. Reaching into the Pack ’N Play, I grab her blanket. At least, I think it’s hers. Either way, I grab it and offer it to her. She takes it, holding it close to her chest.
“Guess what?” I ask. Not that I expect her to reply. “You’re having mashed potatoes for dinner.”
I walk into the small break room and take my seat with Stella on one side, Ryder on the other, and Jordyn directly across from me. Ada lifts her head from my shoulder when she sees her mom but makes no move to go to her.
“Hey, sweetie. Did you have a good nap?” Stella asks her daughter softly.
Ada lays her head back on my shoulder.
“Hey, kiddo.” Ryder reaches over and grabs her foot, which makes her giggle. He holds his hands out for her, and she goes to him easily.
“You hungry, bug?” I ask Ada.
Reaching for the bag that has her food, I open the small container of mashed potatoes and gravy. I hand Ryder the spoon, and he starts to feed her.
“I can do that,” Stella tells him.
“Eat.” Ryder doesn’t pull his eyes away from Ada as he flies the spoon of mashed potatoes toward her mouth. She laughs and opens wide.
“I feel bad,” Stella announces.
“Don’t feel bad. You’ll get used to it,” Jordyn tells her. “They’re all baby hogs.” Ryder clears his throat. “Fine, we’re all baby hogs. Just relax and enjoy the break.”
“But I’m getting a break tomorrow when they’ll have her.”
“Relax, Stel.” Reaching over, I place my hand on her thigh. I give it a gentle squeeze. “We offered to do this. Today and tomorrow. Eat your dinner without having to worry about feeding Bug and relax.”
She sits very still, her eyes downcast. When she looks up, her blue eyes are glowing with an emotion I can’t name. “Thank you, Maverick. Ryder, Jordyn, thank you. Moving to Willow River was scary. I only had my grandparents and Ada, and I was worried about a job, and so many things. This job, everything Maverick has done for me. It means so much.”
Ada grunts and Ryder laughs. “Sorry, little one, Mommy was distracting me.” He goes back to feeding her, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Stella relax. Realizing my hand is still on her thigh under the table, I remove it before standing. “Is her diaper bag in the office? I’ll get her cup,” I offer.
“Her cup is in the fridge. There is a reusable water bottle of milk next to it.”
“We’ll just use what I brought, and you can take that back home with you.” I fill up the cup and hand it to Ada. She drinks greedily before opening her mouth like a little bird for another bite. We all laugh at the cuteness overload.
We chat while all three ladies finish their dinner. With plans for Ryder, Jordyn, and Stella to meet at my place tomorrow night, I walk Stella and Ada to her car. “Drive safe,” I tell her as I step away.
“You too, Mav.”
I grin at her using my nickname and wave as she pulls out. I watch until I can no longer see her taillights before climbing into my truck and heading home. I need a shower, and my bed is calling my name.
“Mommy’s nervous,” I tell Ada. She’s sitting on my bedroom floor, playing with her blocks. “It’s been too long.” The last time I went out was the night before I found out I was pregnant with Ada. From the moment I knew of her existence, I started living my life for her. I know I need to allow time for myself, but when you’re a single mom, when you have to love your child for both parents, it’s tough. I never want her to feel unwanted. Sure, she’s too young to have those feelings, but loving her and being there for her is who I am now.