“Jamison.” Thorne’s voice echoes loudly through the hangar.
I break away and turn toward my boss. He looks worn out and tired. I suppose planning a wedding will do that to a guy. It took him only four years to move on from Mom. I try my damndest not to hold it against him, but considering who he picked, I can’t help it.
I let go of Claire and sign as I speak, “This is my boss, Thorne.” I look at Claire, then back to Thorne. “This is my girlfriend, Claire.”
He extends his hand and shakes hers. “Um, it’s a pleasure,” he says.
Claire clears her throat, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Rylee bounds up and breaks the tension by stepping between Thorne and Claire. I’ve never been more thankful for her intrusion than I am now. Claire needs a moment; she’s fidgeting like she does when she’s anxious. She’s admitted to me that speaking to hearing people makes her nervous.
Rylee signs, Want to eat?
Sure. Claire looks to make sure I’m okay with it. I don’t really care what we do. She nervously worries her lip. The situation seems to overwhelm her, so I give her some time.
We’ll check on your parents first, then go. Meet everyone in a couple of hours, I sign, then turn to Rylee. “Give us a few hours to check on her parents.”
Rylee gives two thumbs up and grabs Chadwick’s arm to pull him away. “Let’s run the next shipment so Jamison can be free.”
Thorne tosses his hands in the air and walks away.
I sign to Claire, Want to see something? I point to the hangar behind us.
I thread my fingers with hers and tug. Once inside the hangar, we pause by my plane. This is mine.
Claire turns my way with the biggest smile. It looks like a giant banana.
The chuckle comes unrestrained. It does.
My plane is yellow with black stripes. I wanted this plane the moment I saw her, and I got her. That’s what I’m accustomed to; I work hard when I see something I want. And I get it.
Claire steps in close and glides her hand along the metal fuselage as she goes. She peeks inside the cockpit. Her gaze is calculating but also a bit nervous. I asked her to fly, but I don’t want to pressure her. I hoped just seeing the plane would pique her interest. The curiosity is blooming, but I’ll give her some time. This weekend we won’t be flying.
Let’s go check on your dad. Today I won’t push her to try something new, something outside her comfort zone. One day she’ll find the motivation to do it herself. I know she has the strength to face all the worries and fears she has. To take a risk on life, and on us.
The best place in Casper for food is Norma’s. This spot is a meetup for all of Casper’s small population. It’s where you go to get the best waffles, even for lunch. It’s where I came every day after school to grab dinner if Mom was making a late run, and I knew it would be the only way I’d have a warm dinner. Mom always left the essentials like milk and bread, but it was nothing like Norma’s cooking.
Claire’s hand is wrapped in mine. The heat of her palm is comforting, yet the sticky sweat lets me know she’s struggling a bit with where we are. She belongs right here beside me, and I’ll make sure she knows it. Until her anxiety subsides, I’ll hold her secure and let her know I want her here but not to push too hard. I separate our hands for a moment.
We can go home, I sign.
Claire shakes her head and looks around. When her gaze meets mine, she signs, I’m okay. We are just meeting friends.
I can’t help but smile. We are.
“Hey, get your asses over here,” Chadwick yells from our normal booth in the corner. I tilt my head for Claire in the direction of our friends.
She walks ahead but reaches back for my hand. We both settle at the table and wait for Norma to appear. Conversation picks up all around. Chadwick and Rylee are arguing about something, and Finn is finishing a call. He looks up long enough to wave at us, then returns to his conversation. Rylee shoots Claire a big smile and signs hello to her before passing the one menu we have.
For the four of us, we’ve eaten here enough to know what we are ordering already. Claire glances around to see no one else has a menu and everyone is in some type of conversation she can’t hear. The breath she takes is so deep it lifts her chest.
I wave my hand, requesting her attention. The waffles are the best.
She sets the menu aside with a small smile. Is that what you’ll get?
Always. Norma makes the best. I’ve been coming here since I was seven.