We don’t need words to communicate with each other. We let our bodies do that for us. With another shift of her tight little body on my fingers, she lets it all go, and her needy moan escapes. It sounds better than my mind could have ever conjured up.
Her body is trembling as she falls forward and buries her face in the crook of my neck. Warm breath caresses my skin. My heart is pounding harder than ever before.
I wrap my arms around her body and rest my face next to hers. My breathing is labored like hers, and I’ll get my body to calm back down in a moment. I’ve never felt that deep of a connection with another person before. We rest like this, and time doesn’t seem to matter. Eventually, my body settles, and her breathing steadily evens out.
There’s a lightness forming in my chest, the same I get when I’m thousands of feet in the air. I get it firmly planted on the ground when her body is tangled with mine. I doze off as the scent of her sandalwood shampoo settles me into an easy slumber.
The aroma of coffee breaks my sleep haze. I peek an eye open when I get the feeling I’m being watched. Claire is standing there, her gaze lazily traveling across my body.
I smirk, then move my hand to make sure I have her undivided attention before I sign, Good morning.
She nibbles her bottom lip, then finally signs good morning back with her free hand. Her other hand is holding a piece of stationary. I rise, shove a hand through my hair, and reach for the cup of coffee she extends my way.
Claire keeps the paper back, but now I’m curious, so I reach my hand forward in a “give me” request. She hands it over and turns toward the kitchen while I read.
Dear Jamison,
I didn’t want to wake you, but I have to go somewhere this morning. I hate to reschedule, so I hope you understand. You drove all the way up here for me, but this is something I need to do.
If you leave before I get back, thank you for last night.
I rise and gulp down some coffee. After a quick swig, I’m thankful she seems to have been waiting awhile. Even though it’s hot, it’s cooled enough to drink. With a quick stride, I find her in the kitchen. I grab my gym bag along the way.
After her gaze meets mine, I sign, How much time before you go?
She glances at her watch. Now.
Can I come with you?
She takes a breath and hesitates. Finally, she nods in agreement. I came up with the plan to spend my entire weekend with her, so this is good.
I raise a finger and ask for a moment, then use my hand to pull my shirt over my head. I’m a simple guy, so it won’t take me long to get ready. I’m just not sure where we are going, so I don’t want to go in yesterday’s clothes. I start to unbuckle my belt, and the snap of the button is next.
A cup colliding with wood catches my attention. Claire has coffee spilled on her hand, and she’s shaking it off. Her face is scrunched in pain, so I pause and walk over to check on her. She’s already turned to grab a towel, but I pull her hand to mine to check it’s not burnt. It’s an angry red but not too bad.
With a free hand I sign, Careful.
A hue of red flushes her cheeks. Her gaze drops to my chest and lower. She pulls her hands from mine. A small smile tugs on the corner of her mouth.
I’m a bit distracted.
With a chuckle, I step away and get dressed rather than play with her. Her gaze remains until I turn the corner. I can’t help but peek once more. She never finished that coffee.
Chapter Thirteen
I can’t stop my thumb from drumming on the steering wheel as I take the highway. Jamison has no idea what he’s agreed to join me for, and since he didn’t ask, I didn’t specify.
I was also sidetracked as he stripped in my kitchen like it was nothing. Seeing him so exposed twisted something inside me. Now I feel the desire to use my mouth to trace every line that defines his firm chest. That was his play, I believe, but it was more to me. He trusts me.