You’d better stop trying to hurt yourself, she signs, but her look tells me she’s just as interested in what I have planned for us.
So, is that a yes? If I ask you, would you marry me? I raise my brows, and the corner of my mouth lifts in a smirk. God, she looks so gorgeous as the pink hue stains her cheeks.
You really want to marry me? There’s a bit of uncertainty that touches her eyes.
I’ve never been more certain of anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. So, yes.
With that settled, I grab her hand in mine and walk to my bedroom. She’s not going to stop worrying about hurting me unless I really distract her, and I plan to do just that.
The first thing I do is remove the shirt she’s wearing. I slide my hand along the soft skin of her chest and push so she knows I want her to lie down. When I see the protest, I free my hands to sign, Trust me, babe. I’m fine, but I have to feel you.
Her resolve gives in, and her body relaxes beneath my fingertips. She loves when I apply the right amount of pressure when I explore her body. My hand slides lower so I can undo the snap of her jeans. I busy my mouth by tasting the skin I expose.
“You aren’t supposed to do any heavy lifting or exercise.”
She’s right. I bend over and twist, causing pain to shoot up my side. When I know she’s watching and I was caught, I sign, Fine. But I want you to be comfortable while sleeping next to me.
Lie down, and I'll keep my clothes off. But you have to heal. After, you can have me as much as you want. Deal?
That’s a deal I can’t argue with.
I climb into bed, and Claire snuggles in next to me. I’m ready for the next few weeks to go by because I’m going to make sure she keeps her end of the deal.
Claire is sitting at the table when I walk into the kitchen the next morning. She hadn’t even roused me when she woke up. She also wakes up so damn early, I’m not surprised. Her hair is wet, and her cheeks are a rosy red. She must have already gone on her morning run and had time to shower. The strong scent of coffee floods the room. I walk in and lean over to kiss her but cringe when the pain hits. I have to remember how to be better about what my body needs to heal.
Claire waves, then signs, You’re going to be a pain in my ass.
I could get used to waking up like this. I’m pretty sure I warned you before.
She waves me on with a flick of her left hand and a smile. After grabbing my coffee, I step over to Claire and take a spot at the kitchen table. I pull the box from my pocket. I found it hidden away in my mother’s possessions, but until Claire got me to read her journals, I hadn’t realized what it was.
I open the box, revealing the diamond ring. It was my mother’s engagement ring. Not the one she wore when she was married to Thorne. No, this one was simple, a gold band, older and vintage. It was the ring my father had given my mother.
I recognize it! Claire signs, and her hand flies up and covers her lips. She read the same journal entry I did.
I haven’t had time to make sure it fits, but I’d like to try now.
She holds her left hand in my direction. I slip the band on her ring finger. It fits, perhaps just a little loose. We will have to have it fitted if she wants to wear it.
She’s staring at our intertwined hands. The sun reflects off the diamond. I think it’s perfect; my dad had great taste. I hope Claire likes it. I swallow hard, releasing her hands. I sign, If you like it, we might need to have it sized down.
It’s perfect. I’ve read about this ring. Your father gave this to your mother.
I nod. I didn’t know until you showed me the entry in her journal. I want it to be yours.
I love you.
I smile. I love this woman so much. She knows how much being able to share a part of my parents means to me. I slide a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear and rub my thumb down her cheek. She raises her left hand to observe her new ring.
My gaze catches on the paper sitting on the table. I point to it and raise my brows, hoping she doesn’t mind sharing with me. She slides the paper over, then signs something. I have no idea, so I shake my head and sign back that I don’t understand. She pushes the letter closer so I can read it.
I’m only a few lines in and it becomes very obvious. I shake my head and push it away. No. You aren’t. This isn’t okay.
I thought you’d be happy.