Page 13 of Signed With Love

Jamison catches my gaze, then signs, She said please join us. She would love it.

I don’t want to bother you.

He shakes his head no and repeats, Bother, I don’t understand. His brows furrow. He’s learning signing, but there’s still so much.

I give a smile. I never mind repeating myself for him. He’s really learning the language well, so I fingerspell bother.

I don’t want to bother—I look to the side and see one of his guy friends peeking around the corner. His boyish smile makes me laugh. He has a puppy dog look and mischievous eyes. Chadwick, I believe—you or your friends.

Chadwick waves his hand in a “come here” gesture. I look back to Jamison.

You don’t bother. I want you here.

I nod and swallow, then pull my phone out to text my dad. I don’t want them to miss where I’m at and worry.

Jamison’s friends asked me to stay and visit. I’ll be back soon.

Dad’s response is instant.

Hey, don’t let Chadwick corrupt you if they’re playing poker. He’s a cheat, I’m telling you.

I pause from where I’m walking into the kitchen and tilt my head to the side. I tug on Jamison’s sleeve when he’s close, my fingertips sliding along his forearm. I drop my hand, his warmth remaining.

My phone tilts his way, but he draws closer to see. So close that if I turn, my nose will brush across his neck. I inhale, all Jamison. The goose bumps spread across my body.

He pulls away and laughs. A full laugh that wrinkles the corners of his eyes and shakes his body.

Can I? He points to my phone, then to Chadwick. He wants to show him. I shrug. Jamison walks around the table as the other man, Finn, waves. Rylee has a beer she passes to him, then she offers me one.

I take it. Jamison hands me my phone back while Chadwick shakes his head and waves his hands in a “no” gesture. There’s playing cards spread across the table, and Jamison returns a few moments later with a chair as Chadwick returns with a piece of paper and pen he left to grab.

That’s not true, Chadwick scrawls on the piece of paper and shows me. I just raise a brow and shrug nonchalantly. He tilts his head back and makes a fist, then wrinkles the paper and tosses it. I take the new spot Jamison gives me and set my beer between my legs. The cold condensation wets the denim.

Chadwick comes in close and wraps his arm across my shoulder in a hug. He points to my phone on the table. I hand it to him.

He quickly types something out and returns it with a wink.

Finn’s tell is if he knocks the table with his knuckles. Rylee will go serious and focused. Jamison will tap his foot. If you play anything like your father, you don’t need any more of my help.

I darken my phone when Jamison tries to lean in to read it. I push him away with a smile.

Secrets don’t make friends, he signs.

Sharing secrets does.

With a smile, he gives me that one, then he splits his money with me so I have an ante.

Chapter Six


We are two hands in, and Claire is taking us for all we are worth. She’s a player, just like her father. I glance to see Claire try to turn the top to her beer bottle.

I tilt slightly and sneak my hand between her legs. Her back stiffens only a moment as my arm brushes her side. I use the end of my bottle opener to pop the top and slide away as the jasmine scent of her drifts away and the hops infuse the air. I think Rylee forgot to pop the top since she’s nervous and not everyone just walks around with the necessary tools like we do. She’s been around us guys for too long.

Claire lifts the bottle and takes a drink, cringing a bit at the taste. She masks it well. I know she’s telling me thank you. With her, you just have to read her body. Those expressions and movements tell you more than her hands do sometimes.

“Jamison, how can I ask if she likes that beer?” Rylee leans in. “Is the ‘like’ sign this?” She puts her hand flat on her chest, then pulls away in an F. I shake my head and correct her like sign by having her connect her thumb with her middle finger when she pulls away. The guys are distracting Claire by showing their cards, so when she looks back, Rylee leans away.