Camille glances across the living room at the hallway leading to Leah’s room. The backbone she had been so sure she had moments ago wains. “Do you want to go tell her, or should I?” she asks Wade, hoping he’ll volunteer.
“We’ll go together.”
It’s not exactly what she hoped for, but she’ll take it.
Outside of Leah’s bedroom door, the warmth from Wade standing beside her, along with the sound of laughter from within the bedroom, makes her feel better. She isn’t alone, and Leah won’t be as mad if she’s already in a good mood, right? Seeing that she isn’t going to do it, Wade knocks on the door.
“Don’t worry,” he assures, seeing Camille staring at the door. “This won’t be an issue. Mom does video conferences all the time. We can overnight the paperwork for your business partner to sign. No big deal.”
He says it like the deal is already done. Like he knows that his mother is going to offer Integrity the deal they’ve been waiting for and that all of the stress she is feeling right now is for nothing. She could hug him. The sound of laughter grows until the doorknob turns. The door opens, not to Leah, but to Nancy holding a hand towel.
“Aunt Nan,” Wade grins ear to ear. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I snuck in earlier,” Nancy smiles, wrapping her arms around Wade. “Oh, my boy,” she murmurs into his ear, pressing her cheek hard against his. “Your mother was just telling me what a great job you did negotiating the New York deal.” She takes a step back to hold him at arms-length, the towel dangling. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Wade replies in her grasp, “I did my job.”
Nancy lets go of him, grinning proudly at Camille. “That’s Wade for you, always downplaying his accomplishments.”
Camille stares at them, enjoying how chipper Nancy is compared to how laid back she was at the boutique.
“Hey, uh—” Wade looks around Nancy into the bedroom. “Where’s Mom? We need to speak to her.”
“Oh,” Nancy steps back, grabbing the door as if to block them as she peers into the room. “She’s still in the shower. Those antibiotics made her sick.” Nancy shakes her head, frowning. “I told her that she’d have to eat when she took them. She wanted to clean up before we came out to greet everyone.” Nancy leans into Wade, lowering her voice. “What’s the girl like?”
“Typical,” he says, simply.
Nancy narrows her eyes.
“What do you want me to say?” He shrugs. “I barely spoke to her. She ran inside to change clothes as soon as she learned that Mom was here.”
“She was wearing a Balenciaga t-shirt,” Camille discloses, not able to resist.
“Ugh,” Nancy groans, leaning into the open door. “Well, your mother’s holding out hope that she’ll be what your bother needs. You know how bad she wants grandchildren.”
Wade glances at Camille. “My mom’s wanted grandkids since Easton and I moved out. If you ask me, she should’ve had more kids, then she wouldn’t be so bored living on her own.”
“You’re mother isn’t alone. She has me, and I can assure you, we aren’t bored. We do whatever we want, whenever we want. Why do you think she finally had that surgery?” Nancy doesn’t wait for him to answer. “So we can go skiing in the Alps next season.”
“Who are you talking to, Nan?” Leah calls out from somewhere in the bedroom.
Nancy’s head disappears around the door. “It’s Wade and Camille. They wanted to have a word with you.”
They listen outside the door until Leah rolls up with her scooter, wearing a fluffy bathrobe. Her hair is pulled up in a towel, twisted on top of her head. “It’s not that girl Easton brought, is it?” she asks, looking worried.
“No, ma’am,” Camille answers. “I just got a call from Evelyn. There was an accident at her parent’s restaurant, and she’s in the hospital.”
“Oh no,” Leah gasps.
“She’ll be okay,” Camille adds quickly. “She won’t be able to make it this weekend, but I can assure you that we still want this meeting to happen.”
Leah nods, looking down at the floor between them for a moment. “I’ll have Delilah set up something this evening.” She glances up at Wade.
“I’ll have them put together what we talked about,” he confirms.
“Very good.” Leah turns to Nancy. “Did you hear that? A grown woman is missing out on an important business deal to take care of her parents’ restaurant,” she raises her voice, directing it into the hallway beyond them, “and I have a son who can’t even get off the couch to tell his mother hello.” She and Wade exchange a sour look.
Nancy leans out the door between Wade and Camille, looking down the hall towards the living room, but Easton and the couch are well out of sight.