A blonde with long curls emerges from the passenger seat as thin as she is tall, matching Easton inch-for-inch in brown leather sandals, dark green pleated shorts that show off her long legs, and an oversized black t-shirt cascading down her hips. The sleeves are rolled into cuffs at the top of her sculpted arms. They look like models returning from vacation, sharing the same golden tan.

Camille’s eyes land on the front of Sadie’s shirt, and she can’t help but smirk. A white box across the front has the Balenciaga brand name plastered in large letters. She’s wearing two identical brown necklaces made of the same rope-like material as Easton. Hers, however, are not nearly as long as Easton’s. Maybe they came in a set. Wade doesn’t walk over to greet her. Instead, he eyes her wearily, squinting.

“Wouldn’t be the Quinns from New York, would it?” Wade asks in a low voice.

“That’s right,” Easton waves in Wade’s direction as Sadie loops her hand into the nook of his arm. “This is my brother, Wade.”

“Ah,” she says, eyeing him with equal trepidation.

“Sadie was telling me the other day that you know her sister Victoria,” Easton continues, oblivious to the way they seem to be examining each other.

Sadie purses her lips, raising an eyebrow at him. “You remember my sister. The two of you were an item up until recently.” Her eyes cut over at Camille before flicking them back to Wade.

It takes all Camille has to keep her composure as Sadie’s last name clicks.

Quinn. V. Quinn.

They couldn’t be talking about the same person she and Wade were laughing about over breakfast, could they? She looks up at Wade, who keeps an even gaze on the beautiful blonde on his brother’s arm.

“I wouldn’t call two people who went on one date an item.” He forces a smile as he steps forward to offer her his hand.

She lets go of Easton’s arm, meeting him halfway and offering her hand with a mischievous grin. “If you say so.”

Easton isn’t even looking at them. Instead, he’s turned, admiring his car.

“You got any bags?” Buck asks.

“Two carry-ons,” Easton answers from beside the front passenger tire. He leans over and pops the hood.

Wade turns to Camille as Sadie sets her sights on her. “And this is…” Wade pauses to glance at Sadie. “You signed an NDA, correct?”

She gives him a sly smirk. “We exchanged non-disclosures before our trip to Bali.”

“Good, we’ll get you an updated one from Delilah for the weekend. This is Camille Lee.”

“Great.” Sadie’s eyes widen at Camille. “This weekend’s going to be fun with another girl around.” Her brow furrows at Wade. “Who’s Delilah?”

“My mother’s assistant.”

“What?” she asks, spinning around. “Easty,” she calls, strutting to where Buck and Easton are admiring the front of the car.

“What’s up, babe?” He opens his arm, wrapping it around her slender midsection.

She flings her arm over his shoulder. “You didn’t tell me that I’d be meeting your mother this weekend.”

Easton looks to his brother, his brow pinching together. “You didn’t tell me that Mom’s here.”

“She just had surgery,” Wade says, frowning at his brother. “Why else would she fly in a potential partner while she’s recuperating?”

Easton frowns. “When did Mom have surgery?”

Wade sighs loudly, shaking his head in frustration. Camille scratches her upper lip to conceal her amusement.

Sadie glances down at herself. “I can’t meet your mother looking like this,” she says in distaste. “I have to get cleaned up.”

Easton’s shock from learning about his mother’s surgery is gone in less than a second, replaced by an appraising gaze of Sadie. “You look fine. You don’t have to put on airs in front of Mom. She isn’t like that.”

“You might not have to, but I do,” Sadie retorts, already walking around the car. “Where’s our room? I’m changing.”