Page 21 of Finding Her Home

“You can control two big horses at once?”

Vic smiled widely. “Baby, I could control four big horses at once if I wanted to. This is what I do. I know these horses like the back of my hand. I could do this with my eyes closed. You just have to trust me.”

Julia thought for a second and nodded. Vic was an expert in this. So if she thought it was fine, maybe it was. Julia couldn’t believe she was contemplating getting on this huge animal. But she did trust Vic.

“Right, you might want to tie your hair back.” Vic handed her a hair band. “Tie it low so it is out the way of the helmet." Julia took the hair band and felt the electricity once again as her fingers brushed against Vic’s. She felt scared and excited as she tied her hair as directed.

The pink-haired stable girl handed Vic a helmet, which she put on Julia’s head and adjusted the fit. Her face was so close. Julia wanted to kiss her. She wanted so much to kiss her.

“Right. Perfect. Now I’ll help you get on.” Vic moved her hands to Julia’s hips and turned her to face the side of the horse and the saddle.

Julia craved more time with Vic’s hands on her hips. She craved forever with Vic’s hands on her hips.

“Okay,” she said, sounding more confident than she felt.

“Okay, so put your left hand here.” Julia felt gooseflesh rush through her as Vic took her left hand and placed it on the horse’s neck. Luckily the horse was standing like a rock. “Then your right hand here.” Vic moved Julia’s right hand to the back of the saddle.

“Now I need you to bend your left knee and lift your foot.” Julia felt Vic’s hands on her leg, on her knee and shin as she raised her left foot.

Oh, god.

“Okay, now, I am going to count to three and when I say three I want you to push up and jump and I am going to lift your left knee and boost you up. Got it?”

Julia could barely focus with Vic’s hands on her. “And then what?”

“And then you use your hands to help you get up there and then you swing your right leg over the saddle so you are sitting on the horse. It’s easy, I promise.”

It sounded like it might be easy for someone athletic, but Julia was pretty sure it wouldn’t be easy for her.

“See, we are standing on this raised bit of road. We are higher up; you are nearly there anyway. Trust me and jump on three.”

Julia took a deep breath. “Okay.”

She heard Vic starting to count behind her and when she heard three, she jumped and felt Vic powerfully boosting her. Suddenly she was up in the air next to the saddle.

“Right leg over!” Vic called and Julia swung her right leg around collapsing forwards clumsily onto the horse’s neck and clinging on to anything she could hold. Somehow, she was kind of sitting on a horse. Luckily the horse had not moved a muscle throughout.

“Well done!” said Vic. “Perfect! Now you just need to sit upright. See this strap here around his neck? I want you to hold this.” Julia felt adrenaline rushing through her as she allowed Vic to guide her hand to the neck strap and she cautiously sat up. It felt odd, but Vic had been right. So far, it wasn’t that hard, although also so far, the horse hadn’t moved. Vic took ahold of her lower leg and placed her foot in the stirrup and Julia felt the stable girl’s hands do the same on the other side.

“Perfect,” Vic announced standing back as though admiring her work. Julia felt Vic’s eyes on her body again in that same way that had seduced her before.

“You just sit up straight the whole time and balance yourself when the horse starts walking. And you hold onto this neck strap the whole time, and you can wind your fingers in God’s mane if you like. But nothing else. Keep your hands there.”

Julia clung onto the neck strap like her life depended on it.

She watched as the stable girl boosted Vic onto the black horse. The black horse was moving sideways as she did it, but it looked like the easiest thing in the world as Vic swung her right leg over the saddle and sat quietly while the horse pranced around, those strong thighs of hers working to balance her.

“Satan can be a bit feisty. But, don’t worry about him, I promise you I can handle him and I also promise you, God will do none of this!”

“Thanks, Naomi,” Vic thanked the stable girl as she passed her the rope that was attached to God’s bridle. Now Vic had control of both horses and Julia felt reassured.

“Okay, now we go.” Vic smiled at Julia and motioned to God. “Come on, boy, let’s go.” As Vic turned Satan with whatever invisible movements her riding involved, Julia felt God turning to follow. A few seconds later, she realised that Vic had been right. It wasn’t that hard to balance. She felt high up, but okay.

“You were right,” Julia turned to look at Vic who was now on her right, the horses walking in time next to each other. “It isn’t so hard.”

Vic smiled at her as she guided the horses onto a sand track that headed into the park. There were wide grassy areas and then the water of the famous Serpentine Pond that was the centrepiece of the park. Julia realised she had never really been in Hyde Park.

“This is my first time in Hyde Park.”