Page 20 of Finding Her Home

Her notification read as a text from Swoolia.

“Oh, god, I need to change her name in my phone. That is going to be so embarrassing if she sees it,” Vic said to the dogs as she opened the message from Julia.

I’d love to. I can be free Thursday. Where shall we meet?

Vic felt her heart racing.

What did it mean? Maybe Julia had been thinking of her too?


Julia sat in the back of the black Mercedes wondering what Vic’s surprise date plans involved. All she had been told was to wear comfy jeans or track pants that she could move in and the footwear that Vic had delivered for her. As she didn’t possess anything along the lines of track pants, her stretchy fitted jeans were her only option. She had pulled them on with a casual shirt. The weather wasn’t cold, so she figured she would be alright assuming they were outdoors. When she opened the box, she had found some sleek leather ankle boots that looked like a smart version of something that someone might wear to go walking in the countryside.

Julia wondered for a moment if they would be going walking in the countryside, but they weren’t heading out of London. Her car was very much still moving slowly through traffic in central London. Her driver had been given details of the destination, and Julia supposed she could ask him, but then that would ruin the surprise and the surprise was the point of it all, wasn’t it?

They were in Knightsbridge driving along next to Hyde Park. Julia gazed thoughtfully out of the window, looking at the opulence of the buildings along their way. She should be used to the way the extremely wealthy lived, but she never quite was.

The driver pulled into one of the roads that ran through Hyde Park and then pulled in front of a big horse box that Julia recognised immediately as one of the royal horseboxes. It had the royal crest on it and the royal colours. But Queen Alexandra and Erin had left for Scotland that morning so it was definitely nothing to do with them.

Julia got out of the car and walked around to the back of the horsebox. The ramp was down and there she was, sitting casually on the ramp, listening to music from her phone. She wore the tight horse riding breeches that Julia had seen her in so often. She wore a navy blue polo shirt. Her eyes looked bright and brownish green in the light and her long hair was tied up and looked like it had been brushed for the occasion. She looked younger with her hair brushed neatly back from her face. She looked fresh faced and beautiful.

“Ms Wilding, thank you for coming.” Vic stood up and embraced Julia and kissed her cheek, holding her close just a couple of seconds too long, and Julia felt herself melting. Vic had that scent to her that was becoming familiar, that fresh citrus-like, recently showered scent mingled with that sweaty horsey scent. It was becoming intoxicating to Julia. She felt herself leaning into Vic, wanting more as Vic released her.

“Ms Grey-Hughes. I see you have commandeered a royal horsebox.” Julia smiled at her.

“Oh, I figured nobody else was using it today and it could use a trip out. I’ve brought Satan and God for a trip out today. They really wanted to see the city.”

Julia peered up into the back of the horse lorry to see the face of a big black shiny horse peering back at her. Horses had always scared and impressed her. She had always found them so beautiful and loved to watch them.

Julia felt confused. What was Vic doing here in this beautiful city park with two of her horses?

Julia watched as Vic moved to untie the black horse and lead him down the ramp. He was wearing a saddle and bridle. Julia jumped out the way as he bounded down the ramp and raised his head in the air, snorting loudly.

Vic stood on tiptoes and kissed the side of his nose. “Welcome to the city, baby.”

Vic suited riding clothes. Julia always thought that when she saw her in them. It was what she wore most of the time. Those pants were tight around her ass and she always liked to look at Vic’s round ass and thighs in them. Her legs were lean, but you could tell they were strong, strong enough to control these massive, beautiful horses.

Vic’s groom, the one with pink hair that Julia had seen before, appeared and led out the second horse. This one was a little smaller than the black horse. This one was a lovely golden brown with a black mane and tail. It seemed calmer as it casually walked down the ramp. There was no snorting and no wild look in its eye.

“So, this one is God,” Vic indicated the golden brown horse. “You’ll be riding him today.” Vic smiled at her.

“What?!” Julia spluttered.

She has to be joking.

“I can’t ride!”

“No such thing as can’t!” Vic replied. “Of course you can, you just haven’t learnt yet.”

“Vic, I’ve never done it before. He is so big. What if I fall off?”

Julia felt Vic take a hold of her hand, her arm was still looped through the reins of the big black horse who wouldn’t stand still, but Vic didn’t seem at all fazed by him. “Hey, look at me. Calm down.” Vic’s eyes focussed on Julia. She felt the same intensity she had before radiating from Vic’s hand. “I promise you, you can ride this horse. We are just going to walk. It really isn’t that hard. I’m going to control the horse for you. All you have to do is sit there.”

Julia looked at the big brown horse and it looked back at her, then she looked back to Vic.

“What do you mean you are going to control the horse?”

“So, you see that rope that is attached to God’s bridle? I’ll have hold of that and I will be riding Satan and leading God and all you have to do is sit there. If it makes you feel better, I gave you the well-behaved one. I promise you, he is calm as anything, you will be absolutely fine.”