Page 31 of The Feral Alpha

Rex frowned. “Olson eat.”

“Maybe. We’ll see.” Olson headed into the kitchen, where Aaren was getting Derek’s lunch order together.

Aaren looked up. “Derek told me the news,” he whispered, glancing at the doorway. Enviously, “You have an alpha?”

“Possibly. I’m not sure how long he’s going to stick around.”

Aaren crept to the door and poked his head out. He must’ve seen Rex, because he squeaked and hurried back in, tripping over his own feet.

He almost brained himself on a stainless steel shelf. Olson cringed. “He looks good!”

“Hands off,” Olson said dryly.

Aaren blushed. He was a young, chubby omega, and he was more clumsy than most. But he cooked well. After he’d interviewed in grubby clothing, his face tear-stained, Olson had all but taken him in.

“I... I think I might use Emmy’s pickup lines,” Aaren said dismally, reaching into his apron pocket. “I think they’ll help me find an alpha. I need one really soon.”

“Oh, gods, not Emmy’s lines.”

Aaren pulled out a crumpled order sheet and began reading off the back of it. “‘Your eyes are so big, they can fit in my butthole.’ ‘When I see you, my wriggly bits want to meet your wriggly bits and do a wriggly dance.’ ‘When we get together, my body and your body will make a delicious meat sandwich.’ See, they’re amazing!”

Olson groaned. “No, they are not.”

“I bet your alpha would think so!”

“No, he won’t.”

“Yes he will!” Aaren pulled out another crumpled order sheet and shoved it at Olson. “Here! Read these to him. I bet he’ll want to fill you up like a meat sandwich.”

Olson skimmed over the lines.

What’s better than a big dick? It’s a big dick in my butt spinning round and round, it’ll spin together the threads of our fate.

If my dick hole and your dick hole line up, we can shoot jizz back and forth into each other’s dicks like a musical fountain!

He looked up. “Aaren, these are terrible pickup lines.”

Aaren pushed Olson out of the kitchen and across the bar to stand in front of Rex. “Read them to him!”

Rex watched Olson curiously.

“These are... not how anyone courts a lover,” Olson said, aware that Emmy was just a few tables away. “Maybe my brother might be charmed, but...”

Aaren pulled out a third order sheet, checked the lines, and handed them over. “Here, these are even better.”

“Oh, dear gods. I just told Rex not to make any sex talk!”

But it wasn’t as though these were sexy in any way.

Olson sucked in a deep breath, looked Rex in the eye, and read Emmy’s scribbling. “‘Once upon a time, my dick and your dick became best friends. Then they got married and had baby dicks and the world became a dick-nation—’ Aaren, what the hell is this?”

Emmy came rushing up, his face aglow. “Big O! You read my pickup lines!”

“These would lose me an alpha, Emmy,” Olson said.

Emmy and Aaren both gasped, scandalized.

Then Emmy turned and examined Rex, and he beamed. “No they won’t! You still have your alpha! He likes it!”