Page 103 of The Feral Alpha

So Rex said more confidently, “Olson like when... when I breed him. Breed many times.”

“Oh, gods, Rex,” Olson whispered, hiding his face in his hands. “I still have to look people in the eye after this.”

“You have come to the right place,” the doctor said, grinning. “Pregnancies may not always be the result of intentional breeding, but there are times when they are.”

“Give more?” Rex asked hopefully.

“Olson’s body can’t conceive any more babies right now,” the doctor said. “But he will be able to after the birth. I won’t suggest starting again immediately, though. He will need a lot of rest.”

Rex nodded quickly. “Help Olson rest. And come? Olson can come?”

“Yes, but he will be tender after the birth for a few weeks. No anal sex until he’s ready.”

“Okay.” Rex nodded again. “I suck Olson. Olson come lots.”

Olson groaned into his hands. “Oh, gods.”

“You will need some stress relief after the birth,” the doctor said with a smile. “If your alpha is volunteering, I don’t see why you shouldn’t take him up on it.”

“We’ll discuss that after we get home,” Olson mumbled.

The doctor tapped on the keyboard and showed them the twins from different angles. Rex stared at the images on the screen. He still couldn’t believe he’d put two babies into Olson’s belly. Twice as many claims as he’d expected.

Olson asked for four copies of the ultrasound photos. Rex wiped the gel off his belly, and helped to tug his clothes back into place.

Olson’s belly was already so round. Rex couldn’t help touching it.

He turned to the doctor hesitantly. “Olson belly round. I can mate?”

“You can’t possibly want sex all the way up till the birth,” Olson said with an amused huff. “But I’m fine with it if Dr. Smith is.”

“Gently,” the doctor said in a tone that brooked no argument. “Especially when Olson is close to the due date. You don’t want to hurt him or the babies.”

Rex nodded solemnly. “No hurt. Keep safe.”

Olson had to do a blood draw for some tests. It involved a needle, so Olson made Rex sit in the waiting area while he disappeared off to another room with a nurse.

Rex gritted his teeth, his arms so empty without his omega. He wasn’t sure he could look at needles without losing his mind, though. This was safer for everyone involved.

Olson emerged a few minutes later with a bandage on his inner elbow. “All done.”

“Hurt?” Rex asked.

Olson shrugged. “It won’t hurt as much as the birth.”

“No hurt,” Rex said, worried. “I—I don’t want... Olson hurt.”

Olson’s gaze softened. “We might have some options for less pain. No hurt.”

Rex nodded, gathering Olson into his arms.



“Babyyy,” Rex growled against Olson’s very round belly. “Hi.”

Olson laughed, fondness blooming through his chest. “I’m sure they can hear you.”