“Thank you,” I replied as my father entered the room.
“You ready?” he asked.
“I am. I prayed about it and have faith in my God that the right woman has been chosen for me.”
My father held my gaze as if he were waiting for me to crack. When I didn’t, he nodded.
“This is strange, son, but I believe you’re ready. Honestly, this may be the only way you’ll get married.”
The three of us chuckled because he was probably right. I’d had no interest in marriage for most of my life, although my parents and siblings' marriages were great examples. However, I was approaching forty-three years old and had begun to tire of my lifestyle.
Unfortunately, dating with intention wasn’t something I’d prioritized. The only woman I’d consider settling down with didn’t take me seriously; the others were strictly used to bust a nut. The older I got, the more I longed for a solid companion, and the older Azaria got, the more she needed a mother. That was why it didn’t take much to convince me to go through with this when Tammy suggested it.
My father, brother, and I talked for a little longer before the wedding coordinator summoned us. In the banquet room, Azaria sat with my mother on the front row. I took my place at the end of the aisle with my back facing the entrance while my father and brother stood a few feet away facing me. Alexander Sr. and his junior were honored to be my best man and groomsman, respectively.
Soon after we arrived, a song began to play that I’d heard before but had no idea of the title or the artist. I became slightly anxious, knowing how close I was to finding out who I’d spend the rest of my life with. I could sense her presence behind me, and the familiar scent of her perfume awoke something inside me.
“Look, Nana, a big princess,” Azaria shouted, her voice filled with excitement.
My mother shushed her while our guests were amused by her reaction.
“Who gives this man to this woman?” the officiant asked when the room quieted.
“I do,” a deep voice said.
“Daddy, I promise I’ll be fine.”
Her voice stirred something in my soul. Only one person made me feel this way in her presence. It couldn’t be. Could it? It had to be. I’d know her voice anywhere. She’d been the object of my desire for a while, and I’d imagined her voice many times, moaning my name as I deep-stroked her pussy.
“Sir, you may now turn and face your bride,” the officiant announced.
I slowly turned around, and as soon as her face came into view, my dick was on rock. She gasped, as did her guests.
“Mayor Harris?”
“Oh God, she’s marrying the mayor.”
“Is that the mayor?”
I understood their surprise. A part of me still couldn’t believe I’d agreed to do this. However, now that I knew Desire would be my wife in a matter of minutes, I said a silent prayer to God.
She stood before me with her beautiful deep brown skin, almond-shaped eyes surrounded by long, thick lashes, perfectly shaped brows, and heart-shaped lips. My eyes traveled the length of her slim-thick body, and I had to bite my bottom lip to contain myself. I couldn’t believe she was only minutes away from being my wife.
“Close your mouth, beautiful. It’s really me,” I told her with a wink before standing beside her, taking her hand in mine, and waiting for the officiant to begin.
“We are here today to join Desire Angelique Chambries and Aziel Charleston Harris in holy matrimony. Is there anyone here who objects to this union?”
I released Desire’s hand and turned to face our guests to let them know no objections were allowed.
“If anyone objects, keep it to yourself and take your ass home. This wedding is happening whether you object or not. We’re not here for the negativity.”
I waited for someone to open their mouth as my eyes scanned the room. When nobody said anything, I turned around and caught Desire’s shocked expression, smirking before giving my attention back to the officiant.
The ceremony was a blur until he asked if we’d prepared vows. I was relieved when Desire admitted she hadn’t because neither had I. I planned to speak from my heart as she did. She looked directly into my eyes as she spoke, and her words mirrored my feelings. I was grateful for her confidence in her decision. It gave me hope for the life we would build together.
“Aziel, did you prepare vows?”
We’d been holding hands, and I released hers to cup her face. I wanted to kiss her but, at the last second, decided I’d wait until she was officially mine. Her eyes closed as she anticipated my lips connecting with hers, but when I began speaking, they popped open.