“I’m not supposed to allow it, but I will.”
“Thank you. Can I take a few minutes to get myself together? I don’t want the kids to see me like this.”
“Of course, and, Desire, I’m sorry. I really tried.”
“I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.”
I left Mrs. Duncan’s office and went to the bathroom. Luckily, I didn’t wear makeup to work because it would be smeared all over my face. After cleaning myself up, I returned to class, and my students were getting up from their nap.
As hard as it was, I put on a happy face and gave my students all of me for the rest of the day. After my students were gone, leaving Azaria and I alone, I gathered my personal and professional belongings so we could leave.
“Ria, I have to put some things in the car. Do you want to come with me or finish coloring?”
“I stay here. Can we get ice cream?”
“We have to eat dinner first.”
“I’ll think about it, sweetheart.”
“Yaayy,” she cheered and jumped up and down.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t leave this room.”
I left the classroom with two bags in each hand, and Mrs. Duncan stopped me in the hallway.
“Is Mayor Harris on his way to pick up Azaria?”
“Umm, no. She’s leaving with me.”
“I’m sorry. I hate to do this, but I can’t let you take Azaria today.”
“Excuse me? She’s been leaving with me for the past three weeks.”
“Had I been aware, it wouldn’t have been allowed because your name is not in her file as someone she can leave with.”
“I’m married to her father and basically her mother.”
“I understand, but with you being let go, I must adhere to the rules.”
I sighed. “Can I call her father and wait with her until he picks her up?”
“Of course. Desire, I hate this is happening as much as you. If you need a referral letter for another employer, I’ll be happy to write one. I don’t want any hard feelings between us. You truly are the best teacher that’s ever worked for me.”
“Thank you.”
I went back into the classroom and called Aziel. I didn’t want to tell him the news over the phone, but I prayed he didn’t ask too many questions.
“Hey, baby. What’s up?”
“Aziel, I’ve been calling you for thirty minutes.”
“My bad, baby. I?—”
“It doesn’t matter. You need to come to the school.”
I looked at my watch and wondered why a trip to the school was necessary.