Page 53 of Noah (5th Street 1)


It wasn’t a question, more like a statement. Veronica could tell he was speculating but she didn’t care. Just the thought of Noah had her looking at her watch. “I better get going.”

Without another word, he nodded and they headed to his car. The ride home was somewhat quiet until they got to her house. Just as she began to get out, she felt his hand on her arm. “Roni.” She stopped and turned back to face him. “It was really good to see you again. You look amazing.”

She smiled and nodded feeling a little uncomfortable. “Thank you. It was good seeing you, too.”

“Maybe I can call you again? We can do dinner or something?”

With a weak smile she nodded not sure how else to respond. Before he could say anything else, she rushed out, thanked him for the coffee and waved goodbye hurrying up her walkway. The pounding in her chest was testimony to how much she’d allowed Noah to get in her head because all she could think of was how he’d react when she told him she’d spent the morning with Derek.


This was the first time since Roni had started working out here that she hadn’t made it in. Her text simply said she wouldn’t make it in and she’d see him tonight. Anxiety crept into him as he shoved his things into his locker.

Noah heard the guys walk noisily into to the locker room.

“It’s not his place, Hector,” Abel said.

“Yeah it is. He’s paying rent right?”

Noah looked up at them as he slipped his arm into his jacket. Hector and Abel walked side by side toward him, Gio was just behind them.

“Hey, Noah.” Hector grinned. “What do you say we have New Year’s Eve at your place?”

Noah chuckled. “It’s not my place.”

“I told you,” Abel said shaking his head.

“You pay rent don’t you?” Hector insisted.

“Yeah, for one bedroom.”

The idea wasn’t half bad. Noah had a feeling Roni would once again be flying solo on New Years Eve. At least he hoped she was and once again, he had every intention of being there to keep her company. Hell he couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be. But having the guys over to celebrate sounded like fun. Roni had enjoyed Christmas Eve with them, she might agree to something like this but he wasn’t about to volunteer her place before making sure with her.

“Well can’t you ask, Roni?” Hector asked.

Noah refrained from frowning. Hearing Hector refer her to her as that rubbed him the wrong way. “We’ll see.” He grabbed his helmet and his keys. “I’m out. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Let us know ASAP. We need to plan something. It’s just days away.”

Noah turned around and walked backwards. “I’ll ask, but you better not be an idiot about it. If she does agree it’s not gonna be some big shit with all your stupid high school friends.”

Hector’s face screwed up. “I hardly even hang out with anyone from school.”

Noah turned around. “I’ll let you know.”

All the way home Noah pushed the speed limit anxious to see Roni. He could only dream of the day he’d walk in and take her in his arms. His entire body ached with the desire to do it already but he had to be patient. It was torture but the more he was around her the more he was certain it would be worth the wait.

Spending Christmas day with her had been more than he could ever dream of. At one point, she’d leaned her head against his shoulder as they watched A Christmas Story. Nothing had ever felt so perfect as being there with her all day.

He drove into the back, opening the garage door with the extra garage door opener Roni had given him. He felt an instant let down as the door slid open and he saw her car wasn’t there yet.

In no rush now, he slowly took off his motorcycle gear and hung them on hooks in the garage. The backdoor of the house opened and out came Roni.

“Hey.” She smiled. “You hungry? I made dinner.”

Just seeing her brightened his mood and he smiled goofily. “Yeah, I’m starved.” He turned back to where her car should’ve been parked. “Where’s your car?”

She frowned hugging herself and rubbed her arms as walked toward him. He pointed to the house. “Let’s get inside its freezing out here.”

“I had to get it towed,” she said as they walked back to the house together. “It wouldn’t start.”

“What? You should’ve called me.”

They walked in the house and the smell of something delicious hit him instantly.

“No, you were working.”

“Babe—” he caught himself quickly as he followed her into the kitchen. “Roni, next time call me. They’re gonna charge you an arm and a leg and I’m sure it’s nothing I can’t fix. Even if I can’t, Abel can.”

If she caught the babe thing she didn’t say anything. Noah could hardly believe how that had just slipped. He had her explain to him exactly what the car did or hadn’t dome. He couldn’t help laughing at her attempt to mimic the sound the car had made. She laughed with him. “That’s what it sounded like!”

Damn, he wanted to kiss her. “So you were stuck home all day?”

If his eyes hadn’t been glued to her smiling face he might’ve missed the way her expression slowly turned uneasy. She turned her back to him and stirred the saucepan on the stove.