Page 21 of Noah (5th Street 1)

“I can’t stay here rent free, Roni.”

Veronica wiped her mouth wondering how long it would take her to get used to hearing him call her that. She was being ridiculous. Truth was she’d really begun to feel fond of Noah, and his friendship. A friendship she wouldn’t ruin by thinking of him in any other way than just that—a friend—a younger brother even. Yeah, she could look at him that way. It would be easier to think of him that way than just a guy living with her.

“Why not? I do. The mortgage is paid so there is no need for me to collect rent but all the other stuff we talked about I’m in agreement with.”

Noah frowned but grudgingly agreed. “All right but I’m fixing everything that needs to be fixed around here, including your car. I noticed it leaks. Which reminds me. If you’re going to insist on driving me around in this weather then I’m going to insist on giving you gas money.” She began to protest but he held his hand up. “Don’t push it, Roni. You already got your way on one big thing. I won’t bend on this one.”

Veronica stared at him then smiled. “Okay.”

It was settled now and with her newfound epiphany on how she’d be going about this, she was sure now this could work out painlessly. It was almost maddening that she hadn’t thought of it sooner. She was the older wiser one right? From that moment on, she decided to take Nellie’s advice about this sudden change in her life and embrace it.


Just a couple of weeks after moving in with Roni her place was really beginning to feel like home. This was a new feeling for Noah since he’d never really felt like he was home anywhere, even when he lived with the Fuentes. Though that had been his longest stay of all the foster homes he’d lived in, he always knew it was just a matter of time before he had to leave.

Even now with Roni, he knew he shouldn’t be feeling this way. This would eventually come to an end, too. The agreement was he’d stay there until he was able to fix the roof on the Fuentes’ garage. But the long cold season was just getting started. He still had months to look forward to living with her so he wouldn’t even worry about it until then.

Noah walked in the back door. His hands were a grimy mess. He’d been working on Veronica’s car for most of the morning. Roni was on her phone in the front room.

“I know it’s your family Nellie, but it’ll feel weird without you there. I’m telling you I’ll be fine. I never got what the big deal was about Thanksgiving is anyway. I can get turkey dinner and a slice of pie at Denny’s and not have a mess to clean afterwards.”

Noah listened as he washed his hands. Roni had mentioned she’d be having Thanksgiving dinner with Nellie and her family. He’d be spending his at Gio’s. Gio’s mom and aunts went crazy cooking even when there wasn’t a holiday that warranted it. So Thanksgiving at his place was the place to be—always had been. The Fuentes were never big on holidays.

“I don’t know why you’re getting all worked up. I promise you I’ll be fine. You go on your retreat and enjoy. Okay? I’m really happy things seem to be working out for you two.”

Noah leaned against the kitchen counter drying his hands. Roni walked in once she was off the phone. She seemed a little down but she smiled. “So did you fix the leak?”

“Yeah, it was a bitch but think I finally got the damn thing to stop leaking.”

Her smile faded fast and Noah waited for her to mention Thanksgiving. He hated to think of her spending her first Thanksgiving without her mom alone. He was sure Gio wouldn’t have a problem with him inviting her, but given that she apparently didn’t even feel comfortable with Nellie’s family unless Nellie was there she’d most likely decline the invitation.

He watched her pour herself a glass of juice and grab a string cheese from the refrigerator. “You okay?”

She glanced at him, her expression a bit surprised. “Yeah, why?”

He shrugged. “You seem a little down. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Nellie’s not gonna be around for Thanksgiving?”

“Oh that.” She nodded. “Yeah her and her husband are going on some couples’ retreat. They’ve had some issues this year they’re trying to work out so the pastor down at her church suggested they try it. They’ll be gone the whole holiday weekend.”

She sat down at the small table and began pulling the strings of cheese apart. She opened her mouth and she dangled a string in front of her mouth, then played with it with her tongue, making Noah swallow hard. He nearly forgot what they’d been talking about when he finally snapped out of it and cleared his throat. “So where are you spending Thanksgiving?”

She lifted a shoulder but continued her affection with the string cheese. Noah made a mental note to buy more string cheese—a lot more.

“I’ll probably just stay here. Maybe rent some movies or something. It’s no big deal.”


She finally looked up at him and away from her cheese. “Yeah alone.” She smiled weakly. “I’ve been alone for over eight months now. Well… until you moved in. But I’m used to it.”

“But it’s a holiday.” He walked over to the table and sat across from her. “One you’re supposed to spend with family or friends.”

Immediately he felt so stupid for saying that because those eyes that seemed a bit sad when she first walked into the kitchen were now undeniably cheerless though she still attempted to hide it.