Page 93 of Noah (5th Street 1)

Picking out the tree this year had been so much easier than all the other years. Somehow she knew no matter what tree she picked it’d be wonderful because it was their tree.

They spent the day decorating the house, singing along to Christmas carols like they had last year. They were finishing up with the last touches of the tree and Veronica brought out the box with the special tree topper.

“Ah the very final touch,” Noah said with a smile. “I’ll get the stool for you.”

“Nope, no need,” Veronica said, pulling out the crystal star.

“Why?” Noah slipped his arm around her waist. “Should I just lift you?”

“No, because you get to do the honors this year.” Noah’s panicked expression made her laugh. “What?”


“Uh huh.” She nodded. “Remember the tradition is the newest family member takes on the duty until another one comes along?”

“But I’m not family.” Noah lifted an eyebrow.

“You’re more to me now, Noah. And since you are officially living here—permanently now.” She kissed him and added, “You aren’t going anywhere now, mister!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He kissed her back.

“Good,” she said with a big satisfied smile. “Then it’s settled. You place the star on the tree from now on.”

As nervous as he looked he still took the topper from the box and with no need for a stool proceeded to lift it, but Veronica stopped him. “Wait!” Noah’s exasperated expression made her laugh again. “I’m sorry I wanna take a picture of this.” She grabbed her iPhone, and focused it on Noah. “Okay go for it.”

She snapped several pictures, giggling at how extra careful Noah was about making sure he got it up there securely.

“Good?” he asked, looking back at her.

“Perfect,” she said taking one last picture.

Glancing at the small gift bag under the tree Veronica had to fight the urge to give it to Noah already but she’d wait until later tonight when the guys left. They’d be there any minute now. They were coming over to discuss Gio’s next fight. It was in January but the guy he was a fighting was a pretty big deal and the first undefeated fighter Gio had ever taken on.

Veronica busied herself in her dark room developing her latest batch—photos of her and Noah’s trip to the snow last week. She almost gave him his gift then but decided to wait just a little longer. She’d said she would wait until Christmas but there was no way she was waiting that long so she decided tonight would be the night.

When the guys finally left, the excitement crept in. She snuck over to the tree on the way to sit with Noah on the sofa and grabbed the small bag.

Noah smirked when he noticed her hiding something behind her back. “What are you up to?”

“An early Christmas gift.”

After deciding to go into this relationship with Noah and taking it one hundred percent seriously earlier that year, Veronica made sure to cut things off completely with Derek. She wanted to avoid any arguments with Noah at all costs but that summer she found out avoiding arguments in a relationship was impossible. There was still another sore subject she was now careful not to stir.

Noah had playfully mentioned that he couldn’t wait for Veronica to have his baby. She’d just as playfully responded they weren’t even married then made the mistake of pointing out that he was too young to be a father anyway.

Noah had responded furiously, as he had months before when she’d told him he wasn’t in love. He argued that he was more readier than some of the supposed “grown ass men” who didn’t know the first thing about being a responsible father—Nellie’s now ex-husband serving as a perfect example because when Courtney was only five months pregnant he told her he wasn’t ready for a family and broke things off.

The argument escalated into him leaving after accusing her of being the one not ready. And that once again proved his argument that age was but an illusion.

He was back a few hours later, calmer, apologizing for flying off the handle. Veronica apologized right back and agreed that obviously, she hadn’t known what she was talking about either this time. It was her who wasn’t ready. Noah said he respected that and let her know that whenever she felt ready to just say the word, because now that they were together he felt more ready than ever.

Veronica handed Noah the small bag, feeling a flutter in the pit of her stomach.

“Roni, babe. I didn’t know we were doing early Christmas gifts.”

“Of course you didn’t—it’s a surprise.” She sat down next to him nervous about what he’d say—think.

He tried to look angry but the smile gave him away. Then he began pulling out the gift. Veronica had wrapped it in tissue paper and she laughed nervously at his puzzled expression when he saw the small flat octagon shaped plastic case.

“Open it,” she said when he looked up at her completely lost.

So he did and he took out the only thing in it: a small folded paper. He unfolded it and read the two words on it. “I’m ready.” He still looked confused. “You’re ready?”

She nodded and smiled waiting for him to understand but his expression was still blank so she gave him another hint. “That’s last month’s birth control pill case. I didn’t get it refilled when I finished it.”

His eyes shot wide open. “Are you…”