Genevieve began to wonder if Mia was drifting off, something she usually didn’t allow in one night stands, though she suspected she would make an exception here. It had been the best sex of her life, after all, and she was in a mood to make allowances.
However, Mia stirred and pushed herself up, seemingly reluctantly. Her dark hair fell loosely around her pretty face and her green eyes seemed much more relaxed and peaceful than they had earlier. “I should go. I have a showing tomorrow afternoon. I want to get at least some sleep.”
Genevieve nodded and got up as well. She handed Mia her clothes and watched as Mia got dressed. There was an easy elegance to Mia’s beautiful pale naked body, almost like a dancer. Every movement she made seemed fluid and full of grace.
Genevieve enjoyed watching Mia’s breasts sway and seeing the swell of her nipples- still such a turn on. She enjoyed the roundness of Mia’s ass as she bent over to pull her lace panties on.
Definitely should have found time to fuck her from behind.
Mia was really beautiful.
Mmm. Some nice images to keep in my head to remind me of tonight.
“Good luck for your showing tomorrow. I really hope it goes well.”
“Thanks, Genevieve. I hope your father isn’t too hard on you.”
“I’ll figure it out.” Genevieve hesitated, wanting to prolong the moment when Mia had to leave—her company was just so easy for some reason, a far cry from many of the one-night stands Genevieve had had. Very few people had looks like Mia’s and the personality to back that up and also the ease of enjoying sex for what it was and not complicating pleasure with emotion.
“Well, goodbye, then.”
As always, the goodbyes were slightly awkward, but it was part of the price Genevieve paid, and for that sex, she would gladly have paid a much higher one.
“Bye, Mia. All the best.”
“To you as well.”
Genevieve let Mia out and locked the door behind her before practically skipping to bed, except her body was too lax and relaxed to skip properly.
This night had turned out way better than she ever could have hoped. She was definitely ending the day on a high note, and all thoughts of business were, if not gone, at least postponed until the morning. Genevieve would clean up the mess on the couch later. Or get a professional in. Probably the latter.
She fell into bed but didn’t fall asleep immediately. She found her mind wandering to Mia. They seemed to have formed an instant connection, something Genevieve wasn’t used to. Ever since Kate, she had been unwilling to open her heart to anyone. She was not going through that kind of pain again.
Genevieve kept a tight schedule, for the most part keeping herself too busy to feel lonely. Some nights, she felt the void in her personal life. She had to admit that it was a bit extreme to push even friendships away, but she maintained that personal entanglements led to pain. When you loved someone, there was always pain.
It was better this way. She found pleasure when she wanted it and brought pleasure to her partners. It was perhaps not what other people approved of—the idea that you had to be in a relationship to be happy was widespread and false—but it worked for her. For the most part.
Genevieve finally drifted off, and her sleep was graced by pleasant dreams of ivory skin and green eyes.
Mia Spencer took an uber back to Lix Club to pick up her car. She was positively giddy, tipping big and waving cheerily at the driver as she sauntered to her car.
She had simply gone to Lix Club to get blind drunk and forget. She had been on her way to doing just that when the opportunity of a night with a beautiful stranger had presented itself. Mia had seldom been so glad that she’d taken an opportunity. That sex had been eye-opening, to say the least.
Mia had had sex before, but it paled in comparison to what she had shared with Genevieve. She wondered if it was common to find someone that compatible with her, or if it was as rare for Genevieve as it was for her.
It had quickly become clear that Genevieve was experienced in the art of picking up strangers and taking them home. Mia wondered why that was. A woman like Genevieve who was beautiful and enigmatic and clearly very wealthy should have no problem finding partners for a real relationship.
Mia could only conclude that this simply wasn’t what Genevieve was looking for. That was fine, of course. Mia felt like she ultimately needed a true partner in life to feel fulfilled, but she wasn’t arrogant enough to believe that everyone else had that same need.
She got home and fell into bed, still slightly dazed from earlier. Perhaps, tonight, she would sleep without nightmares. She had certainly gotten the thorough fucking Genevieve had promised her. Hopefully, it would be enough.
Unfortunately, though it had undoubtedly been the best sex of her life, it turned out not to be enough.
Mia woke with a start at around two a.m., covered in cold sweat. She sat up in bed, sighing as the images bombarded her. She had been five when her father died in a car crash and ten when her mother remarried.