Mia glanced at Genevieve, who was still covered in snow from her first two falls. “I guess not.”
Genevieve gave her a sour look, but the corners of her mouth were twitching.
“Okay, now just follow me and do exactly what I do. Don’t try anything fancy.”
They pushed themselves onto the slope and angled their bodies like Ivette’s.
Mia didn’t know how it happened. One moment, she was wobbling along down the slope, and the next, she was being dumped onto her butt.
She blinked snow out of her eyes to find Genevieve sprawled over her lap, looking just as confused as Mia felt.
“What happened?”
“Don’t ask me! You’re the one who fell into me.”
“I did not fall into you! You got in the way and I tripped over you!”
“I didn’t! You—”
Genevieve shut Mia up by kissing her. Behind them, she heard Ivette sigh.
This learning to ski thing could take some time, it seemed.
They returned to the hotel about an hour later, red in the face and covered in quickly melting snow.
“I think we’re going in her book of worst clients ever. Or at least, you are.”
Genevieve rolled her eyes. “You’re never going to let this go, are you?”
“Nope. This is the first thing I’ve ever found that you suck at. We should totally come again—it’ll be good for you.”
“Next time I want to find something you’re not good at.”
“That’s easy. Just put me in an office and watch my spirit wilt.”
“On second thought, I prefer you here, like this.” Genevieve trailed a hand down Mia’s face. Mia was starting to get cold now, the rush of activity fading and making her notice things like the cool squishy feeling of her shoes against her frigid feet.
“I could use a shower. How about you?”
“I could be convinced to join you.”
“I’m in a convincing mood.” Mia leaned in and whispered in Genevieve’s ear. “How about we try that suction dildo against the shower wall. I’d love to fuck myself on it while licking your clit until you come.”
“Oh, fuck yes.”
“That wasn’t very hard.”
“Let’s just say I’m in a convincible mood. I’m quite partial to the color of your face when you’ve been out in the snow.”
Mia took Genevieve’s hand and walked backward to the shower, pulling Genevieve with her and grabbing the suction cup dildo out of the drawer on the way. They had been here for four days now, and she knew the layout. The honeymoon suite had a huge shower, which she and Genevieve had made use of multiple times now.
Genevieve turned on the hot water while Mia stripped off her soaked clothes. She paused before getting in, watching Genevieve wrestle herself out of her wet pants. Mia could have offered to help, but she was enjoying the way Genevieve’s ass wiggled too much to want to change the view right now.
By the time Mia stepped into the water, it was delightfully steamy. She fiddled to get the temperature just right while Genevieve took off the last of her clothes.
Mia dipped the dildo under the water briefly and leaned down to press it against the shower wall. She tested it briefly and found that it seemed to stay on. She was super excited to try this.
Genevieve joined her, pulling Mia to her feet.