Oh. Well, now they were back in territory Genevieve wanted nothing to do with.

“Thank you for your concern, Penelope, but please relay to everyone that I’m fine.”

“I don’t think you are. You’ve become more and more withdrawn ever since you and Mia split up. We were finally getting to know the real you, and now, we’re losing you again.”

“Maybe this is who I’ve always been. Perhaps I was just fighting to be someone I wasn’t, and this is who I was always meant to be.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Yes,” Genevieve lied through gritted teeth, trying to convince herself. “The thing with Mia was a mistake. I was better off before we ever met.”

Genevieve half-expected Penelope to call bullshit. She could tell that she wanted to. However, Genevieve was still Penelope’s boss, and Penelope must have decided not to push this personal stuff.

“Alright, Genevieve. Just know that if you ever want to talk, I’m available—so are most of the people here. We know you care about us—even if you don’t say it—you show it to us in your actions, and we care about you too.”

Genevieve’s throat was suddenly unusually tight. She nodded and forced a smile. “Thank you, Penelope. I appreciate that.”

Penelope hesitated, as though she had more to say, but thankfully, she seemed to think better of it. “I’ll get back to work, then.”

Genevieve nodded. She hadn’t been doing as good of a job as she’d thought holding things together in front of others. Clearly, she needed to redouble her efforts.

Mia wasn’t an option anymore. She had made sure to disabuse any notions Genevieve had of ever trying again. Genevieve would simply have to continue with her life, even if it felt like she was dying inside.

Her work still fulfilled her, as it always had, even before Mia. That was enough for her. It had to be enough.



“Hi, Mom.”

“Mia, honey! It’s so good to see you.”

Mia gritted her teeth. It was just like her mom to pretend that nothing was wrong, and that none of the disastrous interactions in the past had even happened. But getting angry wouldn’t help matters. That’s not what she was here for.

“Please, sit down.”

Mia pulled away slightly from her mom’s open arms. She had agreed to meet her, but expecting a hug was pushing it too far.

Naomi either didn’t notice or wasn’t bothered. She had never cared to notice or be bothered by things that didn’t fit into how she wanted the world to be.

“I’ve got us a nice little house, Mia, just on the other side of town. I’ve been trying to tell you about it, but… well, you’re here now. We’ll be together again, just like old times.”

“Old times?” Old times like when Harry was harassing and terrifying the both of them? Mia once more had to clamp her mouth shut to stop herself from going on a tirade. She had a clear purpose here, and a tirade was not on the agenda.

“Mom, I asked you here for a reason. I have something I’d like to say, and I’d appreciate it if you could hear me out.”

Mia knew the words of her speech by heart, having gone over it so many times that she could probably say it in her sleep.

“Of course. We’re due for a good catch up.”

Was she really that oblivious, or was she simply pretending nothing was wrong to lie to herself and assuage her own anxiety?

“Mom, Harry was abusive—toward both of us. He may not have hurt us physically, but it was still abuse.”

“Mia, don’t be silly. Harry would never have—”

“I asked you to hear me out. I promise I will listen to what you have to say as well, but I would like to say my piece first.”