Mia’s face twisted in anger. “I told her to fuck off, but she won’t leave me be. She’s selfish and she doesn’t want to be alone. She’s rented a house in the city and she keeps hounding me, trying to convince me that I’m the selfish one and that my childhood wasn’t nearly as bad as I make it out to be.”
Genevieve felt an entirely new type of anger flare in her gut. “So get a restraining order. I know some good lawyers, I can refer you.”
“It’s no good. I’ve already spoken to a lawyer, but since she’s made no threat on my life, there isn’t anything the police will be able to do at this point. I just need to stick it out. She’ll get bored eventually. She doesn’t handle rejection well, and when it becomes apparent that she’s not going to get what she wants out of me, she’ll move on—probably to the first abusive jerk who’ll take her.”
“Mia… I’m so sorry.” Genevieve felt like a real jerk for having the thoughts she’d been having about Mia. She should have known better. She should have known that Mia wouldn’t disappear like she had unless she was dealing with something really awful. “You should have spoken to me. I could have helped.”
“Genevieve… please don’t be angry, but… I think this is something I need to deal with myself. I don’t want to drag you into this. I’ve booked an appointment with a therapist for next week. I’m going to try to work through my trauma and deal with this situation with my mom. I don’t feel like I can fairly do that while maintaining a relationship. I don’t want you to become my carer. I don’t think that is fair on you and it isn’t how I want things to be… I… I have to end things between us.” Mia was crying now. Big tears running down her beautiful face.
Genevieve felt like she’d been hit in the chest with a block of ice. She had already suspected that her relationship with Mia was over, but to hear it stated so plainly was shattering.
She wanted to beg Mia to rethink, to stay, but she respected her too much to do that. Genevieve wanted Mia to do what was best for her and would never try to convince her to put anyone else’s wellbeing above her own.
“Are you sure this is what you want, Mia?”
“I’m sure that it’s what I need to do.”
Genevieve held back her tears. There was no reason to make this any harder for Mia than it needed to be. If she begged for Mia to stay with her, maybe Mia would, but Genevieve would never ask Mia to do that when it wasn’t what she needed.
“I understand, Mia. I wish you would stay, but if you feel you can’t, I’ll support you, and I’ll be here. I’ll wait for you. Whenever you’re ready… I’m here.”
Mia was already shaking her head. “Please, don’t do that. I’m not sure if or when I’ll be ready for a relationship. I don’t want you to put your life on hold for me.”
You are my life. I don’t want anyone except you.
But Genevieve couldn’t say that. This was hard enough for Mia as it was.
“Alright, Mia. I hear you.”
She certainly wasn’t going to promise not to move on with her life, but she didn’t need to spell out exactly how crippled she would be without Mia.
Mia blinked a few times, tears escaping from the corners of her eyes. “I guess I should go, then.”
I love you.
Genevieve battled to keep those words trapped behind her lips. They wouldn’t help and would only cause more hurt to both of them.
She wanted to ask Mia to stay just a little longer—she wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. But that would only get more and more difficult the longer Mia stayed, so Genevieve got up and walked robotically to the door. Mia followed her in silence.
It felt so wrong. Genevieve watched as Mia walked past her. Neither of them touched. Genevieve had never had many nightmares, but she certainly felt like she was in one now.
“Goodbye, Genevieve.”
No, she wasn’t ready. She would never be ready to say goodbye to Mia.
“Goodbye, Mia.” Genevieve lost her battle to tears just as Mia turned away. She quickly closed her door and pressed her back to it, letting herself slide down to the floor.
She felt like she was in a nightmare, and she didn’t know how to wake up.
“Maybe if we can just do this quickly enough, I can get back to Genevieve before she moves on.”
Patrick raised an eyebrow. “Therapy can’t be rushed, Mia.”
“I’m a quick learner. Just tell me what to do.”