“I like the sound of that.”
“Yeah? You look like you could use some stress relief yourself.”
“I have had a stressful day,” Mia said slowly, her eyes sparkling as she pretended to consider. “What did you have in mind?”
“How about you come back to my place and I’ll show you.”
“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
Genevieve had to admit, this was going to be good for her ego, which had taken a bit of a hit when she failed to close that deal. There was nothing like a beautiful woman crying out her name and coming on her fingers or tongue to help her feel better about herself.
They finished their drinks, and Genevieve led Mia out of the bar. She enjoyed the undeniable electricity between them as she took Mia’s hand. She enjoyed her long graceful fingers and imagined what talents those fingers would show her when they got home.
Genevieve loved this bit. This part with someone new, beautiful and unknown -where the evening held all this promise and excitement.
Mia’s green eyes flashed knowingly. Genevieve had a good feeling about this one. She looked more than a little wild and there was nothing Genevieve enjoyed more than a wild one in the bedroom.
The bartender, Chelsea, winked at her as she went. Chelsea knew all about her escapades here and had even occasionally acted as her wingwoman, when her boss wasn’t around.
Genevieve was practically vibrating with excitement. She couldn’t believe she had landed a woman like Mia so easily tonight. Sometimes women were so complex and usually picking up a woman for a bit of fun was more of a challenge than Mia had so far proven. Also, it didn’t hurt that Mia was absolutely stunning.
She held the door of her car open for Mia, who brushed a hand against Genevieve’s hip as she got into the car. That light touch sent tingles through Genevieve’s body, a sure promise of what was to come.
Genevieve wasn’t a fan of awkward silences during these drives, so she had her small talk ready. However, she found that she wasn’t interested in small talk. For some reason, she wanted to know more about Mia as a person.
“What brings you here, Mia? Really?” There seemed to be so much going on behind Mia’s eyes. She spoke very little, but her eyes held all this mystery that Genevieve for some reason couldn’t resist poking at.
Mia’s expression became guarded. “I already told you.”
Genevieve quickly backtracked. “I mean, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I just meant that sometimes it helps to vent to a stranger—someone you’re never going to see again. I won’t bite, I promise… unless asked.” She winked at Mia.
Mia chuckled. “Personal issues, I guess. I’m not ready to go home and face the nightmares just yet. Sometimes, being with someone helps. I’m single and I enjoy sex. If I can exhaust myself with a beautiful woman before bed, it helps to keep the nightmares away.”
Genevieve was intrigued, but she didn’t want to push too far. “Well, I can help in that regard. You have a very thorough fucking coming your way, I can promise you that much,” she growled. Genevieve felt hungry at the thought and it was all she could do to keep her hands on the steering wheel. She contemplated reaching a hand over to venture up Mia’s skirt as they drove, but decided against it. As fun as it would be, Genevieve knew from experience how distracting hot wet pussy was while driving.
Instead she chose not so subtle glances over Mia’s long pale legs enjoying how short and tight Mia’s black leather skirt was and how it had ridden higher as she sat down.
Mia laughed again, a beautiful sound, like bells infused with warmth. “That’s what I was hoping for. I want you to fuck me so hard I see stars and squirt in every room of your home.” They both laughed. Genevieve felt desire rising within her. Fucking Mia was promising to be a pleasure she was going to enjoy every second of.
How old was Mia? Late 20s?
“How old are you, Mia?”
“I’m 28. Will that be a problem for you?”
Fuck, what is it about these hot horny 28 year olds?
Genevieve at 42, knew she was developing a pattern in the women she kept picking up at Lix Club, but who cared? Life was too short to not do what you enjoyed, right?
“Certainly not,” she responded. “Fucking 28 year olds is my absolute favorite. Making younger women come over and over on my fingers is the sweetest pleasure,” Genevieve growled.
She looked over at Mia’s breasts in their low cut shirt. She couldn’t wait to see what Mia looked like naked. This was going to be fun.
“What about you?” Mia asked. “Since we’re being honest with each other… Why are you picking up horny younger women for sex?”
“Work problems,” Genevieve admitted. She wasn’t usually open with strangers about her problems, but she had asked Mia to confide in her, after all. The least she could do was be honest in return.”
“How predictable,” Mia said, drily. Her voice flitted from candy sweet to snarky and dry.